Fire coming out of a demon

Start from the beginning

(Play song at top)

Purple lightning coated my hand as I sprint to one of the guards and stab my hand in there chest and disintegrated their bile sac. Another fires a water spell at me but I just use my blue fire to dissipate it. I shot a fire ball at three and they got burned to death. One ran at me with a ice spear but I kick it out of there hands and throw it in there head. I made a scythe and decapitated another. I spun it around and slammed the back of the scythe into ones head cracking there mask in and bashing there skull inwards. I spin it around and cut another guards arm off. A arrow of light stabbed me in the shoulder and I look back to see a guard made a light bow. He was about to fire another but I throw my scythe and it split him in half. I turn around and a guard slashed my chest. I grab his sword with my hand and take it from him and stab him with his own blade. Now my hand is bleeding. I look behind and a guard was coming at me with a wood sledge hammer. I use my fire to burn the wood and punch him in the chest. Making a gaping hole the size of my fist. But while I was dealing with that guard another threw a spear into my other shoulder. I was breathing hard. I rip the spear out and stab the guard in-front of me then turn around and threw that spear into another guards chest. I could feel a burning rage in my chest that needed to escape. I yell out a scream as I ran at another guard and punch my fist at his neck making him choke a little then  I grab his arms and press my foot on his chest. I could hear cracks in his arms as I tugged on them. The guard was screaming and writhing in pain as I slowly rip his arms off leaving him to bleed out. I use a ice spell and incase the arms in ice making them have a point at the end. I threw one arm into a guards chest and the other I threw into there leg hitting a artery. The rage just kept on growing by the second. I could see the guards shaking a little as they were desperately making spells. I made a fire spell in my hand and aim it at them. It then made a wall of flames that caught everything on fire while burning the guards. Everything around me was on fire. I was bleeding out bad. I need to get out of here. I look outside and could see a bunch of emperors coven withes and there was the leader of them at the front. Great how am I gonna get out of here now. They will definitely notice the shadow teleport. "Oh man you did a lot of damage here" a person said behind me
I look behind me and see a man I hoped wouldn't come. The golden guard. "Dang I must be real special to have the golden guard come for me" I said laughing a little as I coughed out blood
"Your out numbered. Your bleeping out and running out of magic. Just give up already, I gotta catch the final season of my show" he said
"Sorry but I have plans that need to be done before my death if my other one fails. So are you getting in the way too" I said
I felt myself have more energy as my cuts slowly healed. (Jashin is it you) 'yeah sorry I couldn't get out until now' (we'll what am I supposed to do) 'just stall' "so what is this grand scheme of yours" the golden guard asked
"I'm destroying the blight name" I said
"Why what did they do to you" he asked
"Not what they did to me but to there own children. They abused them and killed one of them. Killed there friends just for there status. I want to free the kids from that. Oden was my friend. It's the least I could do" I said
'Just a little more' "so your plan was to burn the blight business down. That doesn't seem to work but I think you have more planned" he said
"Your right, status is a big thing to them so that's the next thing" I said
'Few more seconds' I couldn't feel the pain anymore in my chest or shoulders. "So how do you do that" he asked
'HIT IT NOW NOW NOW' "oh you'll find out" I said
I went blind in my left eye as my right was red now. My arms burst into flames as I make a flaming spell on the ground. "Good by golden guard till next time" I said
Everything burst into flames around me as I jump through the window. Everyone looked shocked as they fired spell after spell at me. I drew another spell and my shadow made a giant crow and I landed on it as I flew off. I looked back as the building collapsed. My hair returned to green "Ha, what fun that was. Thanks buddy" I said
I rub the top of the crows head and it squawked and I look back to see Lilith following me with her staff. I just glare at her with my crimson eye. I think of a illusion and when she looked into my eye jt was over. Her staff stopped as she was trapped in a illusion. It was a nightmare illusion I read about once. Gives the victim of it a vision of what happens in the future that will be the darkest moment of there life. It's scary how you will be reminded constantly that it will happen. That's why people think it's to much for one person to Handel so it's a spell that is meant to be kept a secret until I found it. I got back to the manor and I jump into my open window and run to my door to close and lock it. My crow returned to my shadow and I go to the bathroom to get ready. It's 8:37 and soon the stuff will be sent out. I snap my fingers and release Lilith from the spell. I get in the shower and wash off all the blood but I look at my chest and my shoulders to see that the scars are still deep. "Three more to add to the ever growing list" I sighed
I get out of the shower and see my box on my bed with my guitar sticking out of it and the beanie hanging at the top of it. The jacket was folded beside the box. I go to it and grab it. "You did a good job today. I was so proud when you ripped them in half" destruction said
I growled a little. "You did this, you did something to me that changed me" I said
"While I did just change a little bit I couldn't change what was already there" destruction said
"And what would that be" I ask
"The unbridled rage you hold, all that you have been bottling up for so long ever since your parents started looking for perfection from you. From all the words they said to all the scars they made, you just bottled the rage in in fear of what would happen. But you should have been worried of what would happen if that bottle broke like it did today." Destruction explained
I sigh. "I guess your right at that but I'm good there's no more rage, I'm about to finish my parents off, and soon you'll be gone" I said putting the jacket on the top of my dresser. "Though I might be gone from you I'll always come back, never to be forgotten" destruction said with his sick smile on his face
"No, I'll be sure to burn you that even your ashes are gone" I said closing the dresser and I destruction yet again went silent for now.
I put on lucias jacket and put the beanie on the top of my head with my guitar on my back. I tie my bun back in my hair and get some new pants on. My scroll showed up showing wionna calling me. "Talk to me" I said
"How did you get out of there. There were guards surrounding the place when I looked back." Wionna said
"I think you know how. You just don't wanna admit it" I said
I heard a sigh at the other end. "Are you ok at least" wionna said
"Look just don't tell Lucia since she might have a panic attack but I got stabbed in the shoulders and slashed in the chest. I'm ok now since I had a little help but make sure to look behind your back for a while" I said
"Why's that" wionna asked
"The golden guard was there" I said
"Geez yeah I know. I don't know if he's onto us or not so just be careful" I said
"Alright, at least when you get the press conference done come back to Lucia. She's been worried since you left" wionna said
"Are we sure were talking about the same Lucia where she's always confident and chill" I asked
"Yes that one, maybe it's because she really loves her boyfriend" wionna said
"Yeah yeah well it's about to be nine so my parents will be bursting in here any minute so tell Lucia I love her and I'll let her pet my head when I get back" I said
"Yep, and you better get over here straight after because I think she's about to kill bird tube finally" wionna said
"Oh I gotta see that, just hold her down till I get there to help her" I said hanging up
Then the clock struck nine and a notification came to my scroll. I opened it and it was a news article about all the incriminating things my parents have done and about my abuse and death. "Let the show begin" I said
Then a knock at my door was heard. I unlock the door with a spell and open it. "Oden did you read the article" amity asked
"Yeah, it begins little sis. Get ready to go knowing our parents are about to hold a press conference to hold there name" I said
She nods and goes to her room.

I look out the window and see news groups slowly rolling in. "Let the blight name fall"

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