Chapter 36: Sup

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After soaking In the bath with Dravon I feel much better. Not fantastic because whether he 'omitted' the truth to... what? Protect me? He still should have told me. Right? Or am I just being an emotional hypocrite.

Once out of the bath Dravon kissed me and had to practically run away so I didn't grab him and fuck him again. Then Katy came into the bedroom with a smile.

"Hey, hun. You ok? Why did Dravon ask Kris about what I told you at the bakery? Is everything OK?"

"Yeah sorry. Just some of the information you told me is stuff that Caleb failed to mention. Let's just say I'm angry at 2 of my mates right now and I don't really know how to deal with it. On the one hand I feel like a hypocrite, as there's something I haven't really told any of them yet and on the other I feel Caleb should have told me so I was better prepared for when something happened with..." I haven't told her about Tejus and don't want her to know before the others. Logan is different. He's my oldest friend and practically a brother to me.

"Did you feel...?" She asks softly. Not wanting to say the words

"Yeah... and i've been ignoring his calls and texts, not wanting to hear his excuses at the moment." I told her.

"That's understandable hun. I felt the same when it happened to me. But there is most likely a reasonable explanation. He knows he has your 6 other mates to answer to as well, if he was to have done that. Whys he calling? I mean, how would he hear you? Never mind, Come on, let's start getting ready. You just relax and try to unwind, if you don't mind me using your shower. I bought wine. We just need glasses'' She tells me as she pulls a bottle out of a bag. I laugh and say

"Ok. You jump in and I'll go get the glasses. Is anyone here?" I ask heading for the door.

"I know Dravon was here, but I think he was going with Kris to our house to get ready. They were all going to meet us there so we could take our time and not worry about being a little late." Then she goes into the shower and I run down the stairs to grab glasses. I still only have the towel wrapped around me, but as no one is here and It won't matter if one of my mates is here. I go into the kitchen. I go to the cupboard and start opening the glass one, when I feel body heat coming from behind me. Then arms come around me and I know it's Caleb. He rests his chin on my shoulder and squeezes me tight as he says

"I really am sorry, flower. For not telling you what it could mean. And for getting angry about it and making you think I was going to tell the others. I wanted you to think that and it was wrong as I would never do that. I was angry that you were angry at me for trying to protect you. Forgive me. I promise if there's anything like that that happens again I'll tell you. You can decide what you want to do about it then! And I've spoken to Tejus. He explained that he had his fri-"

"I don't want to hear it right now Caleb. Tell me after dinner. As for forgiving you, can you forgive me for putting you in that position in the first place. I was being hypocritical with the whole omitting things. I mean, I'm doing the same thing really aren't I? So I shouldn't be angry at you for doing the same thing! Now extract yourself from me before-" he spins me to face him. Caging me in as he says

"You have nothing to be sorry for. What you're not telling them is all to do with you, so it's your decision. What I didn't tell you is common knowledge among our kinds, that it's something we should have told you. I'm sorry. Now about extracting myself before your frenzy kicks in..." with a smirk he leans in and presses his lips to mine. My arms go around his neck, pulling him closer as he slips his hands under the towel and opens it, making it drop to the floor, pulling me into him.

He clicks his fingers removing his bottom half as I feel him start to rub the head of his cock over my folds. He lifts one of my legs up, holding it against his hip and starts to push into me. I break the kiss and say

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