Chapter 13: Make Me!

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I'm feeling tired and exhausted. Ryan and J-lo have been taking turns shifting into their wolves and teaching me techniques to evade and inflict damage to get away, While in human form. I've got cuts and bruising which the guys probably won't be happy with but that's tough and unavoidable. 

They were going easy on me but it was pissing me off, so I told them to either man up or fuck off and I'd find someone who would. So knowing the guys wouldn't be happy if I found someone else they did what I asked. I don't think I'd have as many cuts and stuff if I wasn't so tired from no sleep, but I guess we will see the next time how well I do. But I still don't stop, using the fighting to get rid of some of my pent up anger and frustration.

When I ask them to come at me together they protest for about 10 minutes, untill I tell them that we could be attacked when we least expect it and I need to be able to defend myself against multiple attackers and they finally relent. 

Ryan comes at me from the front and I can feel Logan trying to creep up behind me. When Ryan leaps at me I duck down and he collides Into Logan who was about to do the same thing, Jake then comes at me while I'm down but I manage to roll out of the way and get to my feet. He swipes at my leg clawing me as I don't get out of the way in time and the way he does it takes my leg out from under me, knocking me to the floor. He jumps onto my back to pin me down but I use my strength to knock him off and just as I get to my feet, Logan pounces onto my back. I feel his claws dig into my shoulders and wince with the pain.

I try to get my feet under me to lift up and knock him away, when Ryan bites onto my foot to keep me down. He doesn't hurt me and only uses enough strength to keep ahold of me and keep me down. I try to call up vines to pull them off but Jake bites at my hand distracting me and Logan puts a giant paw on my other hand and clamps his jaw around my sholder. Again none of them are useing enough force to really hurt me, but if they don't put a little force behind it, I wouldn't be able to react in a way of being hurt. To push through the pain to defend myself. Because when I am attacked there not going to hold back.

Logan puts a little more pressure on my sholder to get me thinking, when all at once all their weight is gone. I roll onto my back to see that Zander has Logan by the throat and dangling in his grasp. Blake has Jake pinned to the ground with his magic and I hear him whimper and Dravon has Ryan by his hind legs, dragging him away from me before he flings him away.

I shoot up and use wind to catch Ryan before he hits the wall and put a block around Jake to stop Blake's magic. Then I shove into Zander, making him stumble a little at the unexpected shove.

"Let him fucking go!" I shove at him again

"Make me!" He snarls at me and I can see his wolf is in control right now. Gritting my teeth I send orgasmic vibes through him but he grits his teeth and straining says.

"You'll have to do. better than that. little mate!" 

Why does he have to make everything so fucking difficult. I walk upto him getting in between him and Logan and calling to the wind for some help, I jump up making it look like I'm going to wrap my legs around him. He drops Logan to catch me, but its then I shove the wind at him and it knocks him backwards. As he lands on the floor my feet land either side of his waist. He tries to get up but I push the wind down forcing him back down and he growls at me. I see Blake and Dravon make a move towards me and freeze the air around them all holding them in place. Breathing heavy at the exertion I snap at them.

"What the fuck is wrong with all of you? This shit has seriously got to stop! If you can't deal with this then don't fucking watch!"

"Look at the state of you Kylie. When we see you pinned down by 3 wolves that have there teeth and claws in you. Of course we're going to react. What was you expecting? Now let me free" Zander explodes

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