Chapter 27: Are You Leaving?

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I wake as the sun starts to rise and think I best get back to my room before one of them comes in here. I really don't want to fucking leave. She's sprawled out, practically on top of me. Her head is buried in my neck, an arm and leg thrown over me, with most of her body pressed against mine. Only her other arm and leg are touching the bed. I take a good look at her face, She's so fucking beautiful.

When I try to slip out from under her, she hugs me tighter, which makes me chuckle. The door handle starts to rattle which is my queue to leave. So with a quick kiss to her forehead I dissipated back to my room before Caleb teleported into hers. 

Instead of climbing into bed I go straight for a shower, as much as I hate cleaning her off of me, I know it's what she wants. Plus as I haven't figured out what I'm going to do about Decan and what I was going to do! I can't just walk up to her and say 'hey, I was going to trick you into thinking I'm your mate. But guess what? You actually are. Go figure right?' She'd probably cut my dick off. But I will have to tell her soon. 

I'm desperate to mate her already and earlier was pure fucking heaven and hell all rolled into one. I was not expecting her to fucking click her fingers and her panties just fucking dissappear! Or to have her pull me into her. I slid right fucking home. My fucking goddess was she fucking wet. I now know what she feels like wrapped around my cock and I need it. Her fighting it and me fighting it is making it that much stronger. We won't be able to contain ourselves for much longer. Or at least I know I can't! I really should stop goading and teasing her but I can't help it. And it's making this harder. 

I get out of the shower, chuck on ripped black jeans and a white v-neck. Then head down to the kitchen. I've been summoned by my father and need to find out what the fuck he wants. I may be glad I was forced here, now that I have her, but I'll never admit it to him. I've just reached the bottom of the stairs and she comes out of the laundry room. Fuck me she looks hot in one of my green button-down. She must not realise it's mine.

"Morning, princess" fuck the need is getting stronger. 

"Tejus. I see you snuck out this morning!" She doesn't seem to be happy about that. Whoops!

"Well it was that or have Caleb walk in to find you all over me! I told you I'm hard to resist!" I smirk. She rolls her eyes and heads for the kitchen.

"And why are you not dressed?" I ask trying to figure out why she's in one of my tops

"Because its fucking Sunday and my chill day why?" She snaps, eyeing me.

"No. No. I mean why in that? From the laundry room" she looks down at herself, her eyebrows crinkling in the cutest way.

"What's wrong with it? It's the first thing I found that I liked! I was messing about with Caleb in the kitchen and he soked me with water. I went in there so I didn't have to go all the way back to my room!" She looks up at me a little unsure of it now. Keeping my ears tuned to them all I cup her face and say

"Hey. Nothing's wrong with it. You look fucking hot. Come on! I need a coffee before I have to go see my father." 

"Are you leaving?" She screeches in my head.

"Yeah. Why? You gonna miss me?"

"You wish" She scoffs. But I see the tiny smiley lip biting thing she did. Before I can kiss her, she's heading back into the kitchen and I follow close behind. 

"Why are you wearing that?"

"Because I got soak-"

"No, Ma moitié. That's one of Tejus's tops, not one of ours. Why don't you go grab another one." I walk in and they all look at me behind her. So i look her up and down and say

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