Chapter 6

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Downpour started in the early evening and continued on throughout the night, a heavy pelting of water that thundered against rooftops and drowned out the sound of all else.

You stared through the glass of the window, your eyes boring no emotion other than blank as you watch the endless droplets of rain run down from the comfortable warmth of your shared bedroom.

Not for the first time, you were alone, letting memories flash in your mind of everything that had happened so far, your mind racing with all the things you needed answers on.

You wanted to know who the caller was that managed to instil enough fear into you that you didn't get any more shut eye that night, making you wait until the sun rose.

You didn't waver your gaze from the TV that as always showed some news reporter repeating the same shit you already knew and displaying the same gruesome images you've already seen in person.

And then there was a wrath you didn't even know you were capable of feeling when you thought of Gale Weathers.

Gale. Fucking. Weathers.

You made a fist at your side, white-knuckling your own fingers.

Gale, the woman who set you up to have some interview with the man your dead friend claimed responsible for the murder on her mother.

Gale, the woman who wrote a fucking book about the most traumatizing experience of your life.

You screwed your eyes shut when you feel sudden tears slip past your lashes.


A gentle voice jerked you out of your depressed state. You rolled over to your side to see Hallie pushing open the door before closing it behind her, staring at you with mild worry. "Are you okay? You don't look... Well."

"I'm good," you said in a voice that sounded completely vacant, at the same time swallowing the lump forming in your throat and wiping the wetness off of your face.

She gace you another one of those 'I call your bullshit' looks and without invitation, sat down on the bed next to you.

"I'm your friend, (Y/N). You can talk to me," she spoke softly.

Your heart felt as if was made out of cement. It was rare to see Hallie this serious and it was even more rare that you let it all out to her.

At least an hour passed before you finished explaining everything troubling your mind, your nightmares, the phone calls, the things you have seen...

You let Hallie rub soothing circles over your back.

"We'll change the number first thing in the morning," Hallie promised, keeping a convicting and caring tone in her voice as she ducked her face down to catch your eyesight.

You creases your brows, keeping your eyes rooted to the floor. "It's not gonna work, Hallie. It's not gonna stop, it never will..."

You appreciated your friend being there for you, trying to comfort you in every way she could but it wouldn't change anything and it made you miss not having a special someone holding you.

You missed Derek. You wanted to go up to him and beg him to forgive you, but you needed to let him go for the time being.

It was the only way you could protect him because everyone close to you ended up in the same way.

Six feet under.

"This is gonna end sooner or later," Hallie gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze before getting to her feet and hitting the remote to switch off the TV.

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