Kat: (smiles and falls asleep)

Next Morning

I woke up at 8:00am to get ready for dance class with the girls at 9:00. I got out the bed and did my morning routine about 45 minutes later I walked back to the room to tell Prod I was leaving for dance class...

Kat: Babe... (pushes him)

Prod: Hmm? (pulls cover over his head)

Kat: (pushes him again) Wake up hoe!

Prod: (pulls covers off) Excuse me I am a classy hoe! (flips imaginary hair)

Kat: (laughs) Ok, I'm going to dance class... Pam will be back at 12, can you make sure the maid comes in and uh cleans (points to the bed and laughs)

Prod: (Laughs) Yea

Kat: Thank yooo (pokes lips out for a kiss)

Prod: No I'm a hoe remember!

Kat: Fine then (walks away)

Prod: (grabs her hips and kisses her) Bye!

Kat: (smiles) Byeeee love you!

Prod: (laughs and shakes his head) Love you too

Kat: (leaves)

I left and headed for the elevator to the girls room. I already knew they were gonna ask about last night but whatever, I got off the elevator and walked to the door...

The Girls: (Already leaving out the door) Heyyy!

Kat: Ayeee! (laughs)

Bahja: We were just about to come get you (walks to elevator with everyone)

Kat: I would've been mad if y'all didn't haha!

Bre: Haha, So how'd it go last night.

Kat: (looks down, blushes, and starts to smile hard)

Bahja: Ooooe Kat (laughs)

Bre: At least she didn't keep us up all night! (gives Nique the evil eye)

Zonnique: (Rolls her eyes and laughs) Whatever!

Prods P.O.V

I set my alarm clock for 10am so I could get an extra hour of sleep, I tossed and turned in joy reminiscing off last night I finally got the point that my body wouldn't let me go back to sleep so I turned the alarm clock off and headed for the shower, about 45 minutes later I got out of the shower, got dressed, and called the maid to the room, she came in around 5 minutes later when I opened the door she giggled and asked for an autograph, I signed her notepad and left out the room to save myself from the embarrassment of what she was about to clean and went to the hotel room.

-Boys hotel room-

Ray: Wassup bro (gives Prod dap)

Prod: Wassup

Ray: You know when the boys get back they gone be on our case right??

Prod: ... Yeah whatever

Ray: Wait... Did you?

Prod: Yeah, I already heard about you though

Ray: ....From who!??

Prod: (Laughs) Bahja and Bre came to Kats room last night cause y'all were makin to much noise

Ray: (Pops his collar)

Prod: (shakes his head and Roc and Prince come in)

Prince: Well look who's here (puts his Taco bell bag down)

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