Cute Girl's Battlefield

Start from the beginning

Kotoko: "Heh... ha... hahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!!"

Kotoko was absolutely losing it, she broke into maniacal laughter and used the Highlander to slam it's axe down.

Komaru: "Wh-What the!?"

Toko: "Sh-She's completely insane!"

Komaru: "P-Please! C-Calm down!"

Kotoko: "Never! I'll destroy everything! Everyone! I'll rip you both apart until there's nothing left! DIIIIEEE!!"

Kotoko controlled the robot aggressively with every intention to kill both Komaru and Toko. The two continued to dodging the robots consistent attacks as it slammed it's axe to the floor.

Kotoko: "DIE! DIE! DIE! I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

Komaru; "What's happened to her!?"

Toko: "I don't know! She's gone insane!"

Monokumas started appearing from the sides and Toko began slicing them with her scissors, unfortunately there were too many and Komaru was knocked down.

Toko: "Komar- UGH!"

Toko was pinned to the ground by Monokumas, Toko struggled to get out of their grip.

Toko: "Damn bears! Let me go!"

Highlander was slowly preparing to kill Komaru, who was backed up against the corner.

Kotoko: "This is where you die! Goodbye Slopokumaru!"

Toko: "Komaru!"

Komaru: "PLEASE NO!"

Komaru braced for impact and shut her eyes waiting for the axe to slam down on her...

but it didn't. A powerful bullet caused the robot to flinch away from Komaru and two more shots took down the Monokumas. The bullets came from a mechanical advanced sniper, and the shooter, Nagisa Shingetsu.

Kotoko: "Nagisa you idiot!! What do you think you're doing!?"

Nagisa: "What's right. You two ok!?"

Toko: "Why are you helping us!?"

Nagisa: "I'll explain later, wait for the axe to hit the water then shoot the water with paralysis!"

Komaru: "You sure it was a good idea to say that in front of her?"

Nagisa: "She can't hear us. She's engulfed in despair."

Toko: "What do you mean by that!?"

Nagisa: "Just hurry and defeat the robot! I'll support you from up here!"

Komaru got back up to her feet and changed the setting of the hacking gun to paralysis.

Komaru: "Nagisa right? Thank you, a lot!"

Nagisa nodded and began shooting the Monokumas coming after Komaru and Toko. Komaru paralyzed the water once the Highlander swung it's axe down. Suddenly Kotoko lost control of the Highlander and started violently moving the levers to get it to move.

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