Firsts wounds

768 17 20

Until the screen turns on again.....

Finn's destroying things in the bunker. He's completely gone. Clarke approaches and tries to calm him down.

-Finn, stop it! Calm down!


-No, there's still hope.- Try the blonde again.

-Even you don't believe that!- He continues yelling.- It's over, Clarke! They're gonna die up there, and we're alone!

-We're not alone!- She shouts to quiet him.- You're not alone! You're not alone.- Finn kisses Clarke and she corresponds. The temperature starts increasing in the bunker. With desperation, they help each other strip.

Kane and Raven look away. He for respecta and she because of the pain of watching her ex-boyfriend cheating on her.

Finn throws Clarke to the sofa, while continuing kissing.

The screen turns off and then on again.


Clarke watches sleep Finn. They are on the floor, laying in some blankets they put. Finn gets up.


-Hi.-She whispers back.- It's almost dawn. We should probably get going.-She starts petting his hair.- Can't just lie around in bed all day.

-Or we could just lie around bed all day.- He answers and they laugh.

-Finn.- She catches his know that last night wasn't just about needing someone. I needed you.- She confess.- I wanted it to be you. Do you understand that, right?

-Sure. And I should probably tell you that last night, for me, wasn't really about you.- Clarke grins fades away.- I just wanted to have my first earth sex.- He mocks and Clarke giggles.- You were around. Passably cute.

-Jackass.- She says and sits on him, starting kissing him.

The screen turns off.


-I didn't want to watch that.- Says Abby, shocked by having to watch her daughter's first time.

-Neither did I.- Seconds Raven.

-Nor me.- Supports an ashamed Kane.

-Oh, come on. Anything could be seen.- Tease them Octavia.

-Quit, the screen had turned on.- Shuts them Harper.


Clarke and a grounder are gathering stuff from the floor.

-Anya will take no pleasure in your friend's death. Prove your worth, and you'll be welcome here. - Assures her.

-I couldn't save Tris. Why would you want me?

-We told you. Our healer is gone.- He stands up and then Clarke. She turns around and walks to the table where she previously tried to save the girl.

-Will I be able to go back to see them...My friends? My home?- Asks Clarke.

-Tomorrow there'll be nothing to go back to.- She turns to him.

-Those marks on her shoulder, What were they? Lincoln has them too.

-Each scar marks a kill in combat.

-Five kills? She was a little girl.

-She was brave.- Contradicts she.

-How many do you have?- The grounder shows her his scars.- There's a lot.

-And half were after I hurt my knee.- With that information, Clarke kicks his knee and slits his throat. She covers his mouth, shushing him, while staring him in the eyes. Watching silently as his life leaves his body.

The screen goes black.


-Why show us this memory?- Asks confused Bellamy.

-I think it was the first time Clarke killed someone.- Responds Abby.

-So she does.- Everyone turns to Raven, puzzled.- She sees their faces.

At that moment, the screen turns on.


Clarke looks outside to see who hasn't entered the dropship. She notices Bellamy and Finn are still outside. The three of them know they will not make it, so they nod to Clarke. She hesitates at first, but finally pulls the lever, closing the gate.

Anya jumps and enters before it's totally close. Many of the hundreds tries to kill her, but Clarke manages to calm them down. Meanwhile, Jasper presses the button until a smash is heard. A fire halo crosses the camp, killing everyone outside.

The screen turns off and on again.


The hundred come out of the dropship, Clarke leading and Anya beside her, handcuffed. Everything is ashes. The camp was destroyed. Skeletons and human remains can be seen in the dust. Everyone has a horrified expression. Suddenly, someone throws something. Red fog starts to get out of it.

-What the hell?- Asks Jasper.

-Mountain men.- Says Anya.

Everyone starts fading away and the last thing Clarke sees is a man in a strange suit.

The memory ends.


The room is silent. Everyone is affected by the sight of the destroyed camp. Everything they built, everything they achieved, had turned into ashes and dust.

-What do you think if we go to lunch?- Asks Kane before the awkward silence.

Everybody nods and leaves the room.



So today I did it, I upload a new chapter.

I know it's merely what happens on the show, but it's important to the characters development. Also, it has an epilogue with clexa.

Not going to spoil anything more.

I'll try to upgrade later today.


Clarke's reasons  - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now