The funeral

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It was a cloudy and rainy day. It was like it showed what Skaikru was feeling. All of the inhabitants felt the death of who once was their leader. Especially those teenagers who came first in the dropship. Who survived their first war and then the mountain. Supporting Clarke's lead from the beginning. Everyone noticed the change in their leader. But no one expected what happened.

Everyone gathered on what would be the central plaza. In makeshifts stretched, covered with a blanket, was Clake's corpse. A procession would be made from there, to a field near Arkadia. Abby said that Clarke would have preffer rest on the ground, rather than let the ashes take her.

Bellamy and Murphy carried the stretch ahead. While Miller and Monty carried it behind. The people started walking, guided by the stretch. Followed by Abby, Kane by her side trying to give her strength. A Little bit further back Raven, Octavia, Harper and Jasper follow them. Everyone else accompanies them in a deathly silence. Arriving at their destination, they carefully put down the stretch, leaving it on the floor. For some surprise, Murphy offers himself for digging the grave. In complete silence, he digs the hole where his friend will finally rest.

After approximately an hour, the grave was ready. They uncovered the corpse, and slowly lowered it, putting a flower between its hands. Murphy takes the knife Clarke used to end her life, and previously belonged to a special person for her. He grabs the flower, leaving instead the knife.

-Hey, Why do you leave that with my daughter?- Asked Abby, both surprised and angry. She didn't want her daughter to rest with the object that ended her.

-Calm down, she would have wanted like that.- Murphy affirms, before everyone's attonished gaze.

The last goodbye had arrived, everybody recits their farewell.- In peace may you leave the shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels. Until our final journey on the ground. May we meet again.- Tears fell at the end, it was time to let her go.

Abby grabs the shovel, charges a small amount of earth, representing the part she took in Clarke's life, and throws it to the grave. Raven's next, then Octavia. Bellamy, Monty, Harper, Kane, Miller, even Jasper, they passed one by one. Everybody that belonged to the hundred did it too. When there was no one left, Murphy started covering the hole. Most started going back to Arkadia, But Abby and her friends stayed until the end.

When it is over, Abby takes the shovel and digs herself a line in front of where her daughter is, and puts a wooden table where it is carved, Clarke Griffin 2131 - 2149 Beloved daughter and friend. They stay there, staring at the grave. Feelings travel around everyone. Abby cries what once was her most precious treasure, her beautiful daughter. The one she caused too much pain, deleting her father, and making him be floated. Then she sent her to the ground, where Clarke needed to grow up faster if she wanted to survive. Memories of all her life. The day she was born, her first steps, her first words. Playing with her father, asking her what being a doctor is like. She saw her daughter laugh, play, cry, and grow. Her daughter is gone and she is not going to come back. And she still doesn't know the reason that made her make that decision. Murphy, instead, knows why the blonde did it. In part he understands her. It was the most selfish decision she had ever made. She did what she wanted, not what she should. Because Clarke should have stayed and helped them. But Clarke wanted to go back with her. He didn't blame her. Probably, he would have done the same.

In a heavy silence, they all went back walking slowly to Arkadia. It was like they couldn't believe she was not here anymore. She was absent for so long, that they already knew Clarke had left them a long time ago. Instead of separating, they all make their way to the projection room, as they called it. This has a huge screen where they were going to watch Clarke's memories. Everybody was nervous, some more than others. Nobody knew what they were going to find out. The blonde had suffered too much, however no one thought that much to commit suicida, so there's something else.

Arriving, Raven sits in front of the screen and starts typing. Green numbers, letters and symbols appear and disappear on the screen. With the newly acquired intelligence from Ally, Raven seemed more like a computer than the ones that were there. Finally she finishes, facing the others.

-Okay, this is going to be like this. It will show Clarke's life, so we will last days, but weeks or even months, on knowing what had happened.- Everyone nods, even if they want, they can't advance it.- Any objection?- Murphy is tempted to. Maybe, invading Clarke's privacy isn't right, but they are nine against him, so he doesn't.- Very well, let's begin.

Raven presses the enter button and the screen lights up, showing Clarke's first memory.



I did it, yey.

Really, I never thought it was too much work translating something.

Sorry for leaving the chapter here, but I'm going to focuse on Clarke's memories the next one.

I'll try to upgrade today.

Stay awesome

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