Grounders friendships

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Everyone was eating silently. Voices and giggles that the group ignores could be heard. There were too many feelings and information to process. If this were the thing Clarke hid from them, What didn't she tell them?

-I don't understand.- Jasper breaks the silence.- We are supposed to watch Clarke's life then, Why are there memories she didn't show us?

-It not only shows Clarke's life, but the memories that were special for her.- Explains Raven.

He nods and they keep stirring their food, since no one had eaten anything for the past few minutes. Kane gives up trying to eat and propuse go back to the projection room. They went there and the memories started.


Clarke and Anya run through the reaper's tunnel. They're covered in dirt, sweat and blood, wearing rough clothes. They suddenly stop at the edge of the tunnel that delivers into a high waterfall.

-Wait. There has to be another way.- Says Clarke.

-There isn't.- Assures Anya.

The guards get them and point at them with the guns.-Just give up, Clarke. You got no place else to go.

Surprising all the presents, Anya jumps from the waterfall.-Anya!- Shouts Clarke before the craziness she had just done.

-We don't have to kill you, Clarke. Do you hear me? It doesn't have to end like this.-Clarke take a look at the waterfall.- Drop your weapon.- Clarke drops her gun.- Hands up.She again obeys.- Take the prisoner.

At that moment, she runs to the exit, jumping from the waterfall. Reaching the bottom, drowning.

The memory finishes.



-Clarke didn't tell you lots of things.- Says Murphy.

-Abby, take it easy. When she arrived she was okay, it was not so bad.- Calms her Kane, ignoring Murphy's comment.

-It was not so bad......It was not so bad?!- She yells again.- MY DAUGHTER JUMPED FROM A DAMN HIGH OF AT LEAST 32 FEETS AND YOU SAY, IT WAS NOT SO BAD?!

The discussion is interrupted by another memory.


Clarke and Anya arrive at Arkadia. It's night, they are covered in mud and tired. Anya is handcuffed.

-Look at that.- Says Clarke, awed by the view of the city.

-How many are there?

-I don't know. A lot, I hope.- She turns to Anya and cuts the rope.- I'm letting you go. I'm not weak, but I'm not like you. Our only chance against Mount Weather is if we fight together. To beat them, we'll need our technology and your knowledge of this world. I know my people will help. The question is, Will yours?

-The commander was my second. I can get an audience.- Promise here. They do the grounder's handshake.

-Please hurry.- Anya starts leaving, when a shot catches her through the chest.- Anya!- Clarke runs to her and tries to press the wound, but fails.

-Ai gonplei ste o'don.- Whispers as her last words.

Clarke tries to wake her up, but it's too late. A guard reaches them and knocks Clarke down.

Clarke's reasons  - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now