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Harry Styles

I know its bad. I get told almost three times a day.

But at this point I don't really care.

So right now, leaning against the same spot as always, I reach into my pockets pulling out the small cardboard box. Opening it up and taking out my black lighter and one of the cancerous sticks.

Placing the cigarette between my cracked lips, I put the packet back into the pocket of my hoodie, bringing my hand back up to cover around the end of the stick and using my other hand to flick the lighter on.

I put the lighter back into my pocket as I hold the cigarette between my pointer and middle finger, taking a deep inhale of the smoke having it scratch down my throat and making its way into my lungs.

I hold it in for as long as I can before I slowly breath out and let the smoke drift off into the wind, blending into the cool November air.

"I thought I told you to quit" I hear the familiar voice say from my left, followed by loud footsteps signaling he is making up to me.

"I thought I told you I don't care" I say, turning my head to the side once the footsteps have come to a halt beside me.

He lets out a sigh as he leans his back on the wall in the same way as me. "I do care you know, I don't want you to get lung cancer or all that shit"

Now its my turn to let out a sigh as I direct my gaze back in front of me looking out to the rolling hills and meadows with the sun just setting behind them.

I used to love coming out here, just watching the sun set over the hills. It put me at ease and cleared my thoughts. But now that its almost winter the sunsets are just bland. Having the clouds and misty rain hiding it most nights.

"I'm sorry" I breath out after a moment.

"Don't apologize" He chuckles, lighting the mood up at bit.

"Louis, seriously I am sorry" I say sternly.

"Come on mate, lets go to Ernie's"


Louis and I got to Ernie's about a half hour ago, meeting up with Niall.

Since we got here they have both been chatting away about something I have no idea about, as I have just been staring down at the whiskey in my glass that I have been swirling around. Not even taking a sip yet.

"Don't you agree Harry" I hear the Irish accent say, breaking me out of whatever I was in, making me snap my head up to look at him sitting to my right.

"Huh" I say as I take my first sip of my drink since getting it.

"About the job tonight? Are you coming or did he tell you to sit out?" The Irish man questions me before downing the rest of his beer in one large gulp.


The job.

"Fuck, I haven't checked to see if I'm in or not. You recon it would still be there?" I question both the lads. Now its my turn to down my drink in one go. Swallowing it down just like water.

"Yeah go check. We will be here for at least another two hours, Liam said he would be here at 7" Louis pipes up.

"I'll be back" I say as I get up off my chair to make my way to the front doors of the club.

Since its a Thursday and only about 6:30, I easily make it without having to barge my way through many many, sweaty dancing bodies.

It's been about two weeks since I got my last job, I kind of forgot about it if I'm being totally honest here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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