9 Dinner

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Anastasia didn't realize she fell asleep till someone woke her up by shaking her.

Hey you ok. The blonde asked as she sat up.

Yeah, you look familiar. She said looking at him.

I'm Riley's friend Lucas. He said giving her his water.

Thanks, oh I remember you, thanks for waking me up. She said yawning.

No problem, so you want me to call Riley. He asked pulling out his phone.

No no it's fine I need to meet my dad anyway. She said standing up.

Thanks anyway kid. She winked then walked to the nearest phone line since her phone was died, she dialed shawn's number first before calling her mom.

Hey dad. She said as he answered.

Where are you. He asked confused.

Some park, phone died. She said leaning on the box.

Ok come to the restaurant. He said hanging up.

Anastasia had to think about which one it was at first but then remembered it was the 50s diner on the 4 way.

She dialed her mom ready to most likely get yelled at.

Hey mom I'm meeting Shawn now. She said quickly then hung up.

Good. She smiled then started walking to the restaurant.

She looked at the window to her dad and two blondes.

Hey. She said walking to them to see it was maya and Katie.

Hey kiddo. He said giving her a side hug.

Hi. She said uncomfortable.

Isn't this exciting. Katie asked being positive as the girls gave a little glare.

Sure mom. Maya smiled with fake innocents.

Yep. Anastasia said rolling her eyes.

tasia how was school. Shawn asked sitting down.

Good good. She said hoping Katie wouldn't say she missed.

How was yours maya. He asked the blonde who shrugged.

It was school, a boring school.

The dinner was awkward for Anastasia who sat in the corner watching the 3 talk about random stuff while she sipped on her Pepsi.

Why am I fucking here? She mumbled then leaned her head on the window. 

when it was time to pay Anastasia put money down for her 3 cokes... yep that's all she had for dinner was 3 cokes and no one noticed she didn't get food. 

What is this for? shawn asked smiling. 

my dinner anyway sign the custody papers,  don't text me or call me anymore because I'm done. the teen said shocking everyone before walking out of the diner and towards her house. 

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