7 birthday

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It's been a month since the incident between Shawn and Anastasia, she's was happy that she didn't have to worry about school but got sad since its her birthday and not one word from her father. 

Happy birthday blonde twin. Anastasia said to Maya hugging her.

Thanks. She smiled.

Anastasia walked out of Riley's room to Topangas and cory's room.

What are we gonna do for Maya's birthday? Anastasia asked Cory lying down on the bed.

It's a surprise. Cory said but Anastasia wasn't gonna give up.

We also gotta surprise visitors for her. Topanga said walking out of the bathroom.

Ohhh you guys are no fun, why can't I know. She pouted.

You can't keep a secret. Topanga said kissing her daughter's head.

Neither can Cory. She said walking out then to the bathroom room to get dressed.

We're gonna go to the store. Riley said walking in on Anastasia putting her dad's leather jacket on.

Ok. She said sadly while feeling the jacket.

After 2 hours the girls came back making noise she decided to be nosey and see what they were being loud about.

What's all the noise about? She asked walking the the living room and then freezing seeing Maya and Shawn hugging.

They didn't see or hear Anastasia but she was there and she was balling her eyes seeing her dad.

Honey hid the cake.  Topanga said to Cory as they walked inside.

Anastasia started not to hear or see anything since her tears were clouding.

How are you doing buddy? Cory said bringing her back to Reality.

Visiting Anastasia and I'm here for work. Shawn said as someone finally saw the crying teen.

Honey. Topanga said running to the girl who now sitting on the floor.

tasia. Shawn yelled running over to her.

Why are you here? She managed to say hiccuping.

I'm here for you baby. He said as she clung on to him not wanting to let go.

I'm gonna go calm her down, you guys go be with Maya. Topanga whispered helping Anastasia up and taking her to her room.

Why is he here now I just got over him. She said shaking trying to calm down.

I'm gonna go back. Topanga said as Anastasia nodded.

Topanga thought maybe Anastasia would feel better if she left the girl alone but boy was she wrong.

She pulled out her cigarettes and lighter and hung out her window hoping no one would see her smoking.

Oh, I feel a little better now. Anastasia said sitting back taking a deep breath then walking out to see
Everyone in the living room.

Sorry twin. Anastasia said hugging Maya then sat on the couch.

Hey, kiddo. Shawn said sitting next to his daughter.

Hey dad. She said smiling.

I missed you. He said hugging her.

I missed you too. She said hugging back.

I'm gonna be right back I promise, I wanna help fix things between Maya and her mother. He said standing up.

I understand. She said as he walked out.

Always wanting to help other people except me. She mumbled then went o. Her phone to text Josh.

Riley walked out of her room a few minutes after Shawn left sitting next to Anastasia.

You want another sister. Riley asked excitedly.

Moms pregnant. She asked Riley who shook her head.

What do you mean? She asked confused.

I want Shawn to be Maya's dad to. Riley said before walking away.

Nope, she's crazy. Anastasia laughed closing her eyes and falling asleep.

The teen woke up to familiar voices.

She watched everyone talk and ignore her, she felt fine with it till Shawn said something about needing a new partner in crime.

Maya blew out her candles and everyone got a piece of cake.

Thanks, ma. Anastasia said to topanga who gave her the cake.

Who's this beautiful lady? Katie said as Shawn stood next to her.

My daughter Anastasia. Shawna and Topanga said making Katie say oh then fake smile.

Nice to meet you. They both said.

I hope your proud of your dad, you sure got a good one. She said making Anastasia wanna scream.

Yep couldn't be prouder. She said then walked to her room with Shawn following.

tasia. Shawn said sitting on her bed.

Im gonna try harder. He said grabbing her hand.

I really am I promise. He said as she nodded.

I believe you. its nice to finally see my dad for once on my birthday She said before leaving him shocked. .

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