Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"You shouldn't be in here..." you said, finally pulling your wallet from your bag, turning to see him leaning against the doorframe, hands in his pockets, watching you from afar.

"Well, then it's good that I'm not actually in the room." he fired back, the corner of his lip quirking up. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Kylo, we can't be seen together while I'm your mother's physician. It's ethically wrong." you looked down at your shoes, knowing that you wanted nothing more than to be held in his strong arms, let the stress of world fade away from your mind as he took you over and over again.

"But it wasn't ethically wrong when I fucked you against the door in the call room on your regular unit?" he countered, one of his eyebrows quirked up. You scoffed, a blush staining your cheeks.

"I wasn't taking care of your mother at the time..." you mumbled.

Silence bloomed between the two of you, the faint beeping of the cardiac monitor ringing out through the unit as you watched each other. Kylo seemed to notice, taking advantage of the opportunity in front of him, stepping further and further into the room.

"Baby, I...need you..." he whispered as he stood directly in front of you, resting his hand on your cheek, looking deep into your eyes.

"Ky, I-" you started, only to be cut off by his lips pressing against yours.

Time felt as if it had stopped completely, almost as if even the world itself had been halted in its orbit as his tongue entered your mouth, exploring it as if it were a temple holding the finest of riches. Kylo's hands trailed your body, like he was trying to dedicate the shape of you to memory.

Your fingers knotted themselves in his sable strands as you tried to pull him closer to you, your bodies already pressed against one another. But you felt as if you couldn't get close enough to him.

This is so wrong..., you thought to yourself.

You couldn't seem to help yourself as Kylo shut the door behind him, leading you to the bed you both held each other in the first night his mother was admitted, and you complied, all rational thinking and reasoning gone.

Just as Kylo was about to lay you both down on the bed, you pulled away, nearly breathless as you looked up at him.

"Kylo, I can't...Please...Let's wait until your mother is better and discharged from my care..." you whispered, looking deep into his warm, umber eyes.

Kylo let out a huff, pulling away from you as he shook his head, biting the inside of his cheek as he contemplated your plea. You wanted it; you wanted him, but you couldn't find it within yourself to be filled by him when his mother's health was questionable, at best.

"Fine." he stated, turning his back on you and opening the door, disappearing through it without another word.

After standing in the call room, staring at the doorway he marched through, you felt numb. Finally, after taking a few deep breaths, you managed to find your bearings and walked back into the hallway, taking your place on the elevator and embarking on a trip to the cafeteria, knowing full well that you would simply pick at whatever you chose.

Conversations echoed through the cafeteria, the clattering of pans ringing out into the space as fresh food was placed on the buffet. Your temples pounded, the beginnings of a migraine making itself known as you waited in the checkout line, a takeout container of salad resting in your hands. You just wanted to seal yourself in your room and pour over Leia's incoming results, hoping to find something of use and fix it.

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