Chapter Three

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Sunlight, filtered through the soft linen curtains of your old room, poured into the space, rousing you from your sleep. As much as you didn't want to wake up, you knew that you still had to chart on your patients from the night before, something you definitely should not have put off until now. Sitting up slowly, stretching your stiff limbs and letting out a very concerning noise that definitely sounded like someone violently strangling a cat, the faint smell of coffee and bacon wafted into your room.

Can't expect to chart on an empty stomach..., you thought, standing and pulling on a cardigan that you had stuffed in your backpack. You rushed to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth, knowing that if you could smell the food from the kitchen, the hungover buffoons probably could too. Judging from their giant builds, you knew that they didn't get jacked like that from portion control and watching what they ate.

Practically steamrolling into the kitchen, laptop tucked snugly under your arm, you spotted Vic, leaned against the counter, steaming cup of coffee in hand. By the crinkling of his mouth to the right, you could tell that Vic was deep in thought, not even registering your arrival.

"Morning, Viccy." You said, walking past him to search for a mug. Vicrul shook his head, seeming to have snapped out of his trance to watch you. He narrowed his eyes at you and mumbled profanities as he brought his mug to his lips, taking a small sip. You smiled a bright, beaming smile at your brother, earning a roll of his eyes. Though you know he would never admit it, you knew that he had missed spending time with you like this.

Having finally found a mug, you poured yourself a steaming cup, pouring in some sugar and a splash of creamer, you and Vicrul stood by the counter in a comfortable silence. One thing you noted about having a twin, your time never had to be packed with conversation, you could both enjoy the companionship and appreciate the time you rarely ever seemed to be allotted. Snacking on a few pieces of bacon and a slice of toast, you had deduced that it was time to get to work.

"How much longer do you think it will be before the others wake up? I have some charting to do and I would like to finish it in peace at least before Ushar rises from his drunken stupor." You said, refilling your mug and picking your laptop off the kitchen counter. Vic smirked, taking a final sip of his coffee before placing his mug in the sink.

"You have an hour. Can you get it done that quickly?" Vic said, crossing his arms over his chest, watching your every move. You nodded, sipping your coffee and stepping into the formal dining room. Quickly, you got to work on your charting, easily recalling your assessment findings from the night before and logging them in without error.

Scanning over the laboratory values of a patient you had admitted with chest pain, you heard someone enter the room, not even bothering to acknowledge their existence.

His troponin has been normal since admission, I wonder if Perkins discharged him with a follow up to a cardiologist or thought, biting on the skin around your thumb.

"Good morning, Princess. Sleep well?" Kylo's voice drawled, so close to your ear, you could feel his breath hit against your cheek when he spoke. You jumped slightly, turning to see that he was a mere hairsbreadth away from you. The jackhammering of your heart against your ribcage began to slow when Kylo stood to his full height, taking a sip of coffee, his eyes never once leaving yours.

"G-Good morning, Kylo. I slept pretty well. How about yourself?" you said, turning your eyes back to your laptop screen, biting your lip. It was after you had exited the laboratory values page, you had successfully charted on all of your patients, a few of them you could see were scheduled to be discharged home today.

"Happy to hear that, Sweetheart. I slept fine. You're awake and working awfully early, don't you think?" He questioned, moving fluidly to sit down in the chair next to you. You could instantly feel a fire dance across your cheeks from his gaze and his constant use of endearments when he spoke to you. As you looked up at him again through your lashes, you could see him drinking in the mere sight of you, whilst taking another sip of his coffee.

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