Chapter Twenty-Six

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You watched as Kylo took tentative steps toward the woman in front of him, almost as if every microscopic cell in his body was screaming for him to run in the opposite direction. His hands curled into fists, then released, trying to channel that nervous energy into something more physical, more tactical. Leia took in a shaky breath, watching as her son stepped closer, not bearing to reach out for him, afraid that he would disappear if she tried. 

"Mom..." he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. 

Leia smiled, tears streaming down her face as she smiled brightly. 

"'re here," she breathed, finally reaching out to grab his hand once he stepped close enough, "you're really here..." 

Your heart almost burst from the confines of your ribs as his knees shook, slapping against the tiled floor, resting his forehead on his mother's abdomen as he sobbed; his shoulders shaking with the outburst of sentiment. One of her small, fragile hands cradled his head as he cried, the other snaking down to rub soothing circles between his shoulder blades. 

"It's okay, Ben...I'm right here..." Leia breathed, her lower lip trembling as more tears slid down her cheeks. 

It took everything in you not to cry with them, to hold them as they reunited once more. You blinked the pooling tears away, turning back to Zorii as you looked back at the patient charts splayed on the desk. 

"I'm going to check on the patients on the floor, just to give them their privacy. If you need anything at all, please...don't hesitate to call me." you whispered, keeping your gaze trained on the floors of the hallway, quickly punching the button to the elevator. 

Your heart ached to reach out to Kylo, to hold him in your arms as he exposed his vulnerability, but you knew that wasn't your place, knew that wasn't where you needed to be in that moment. 

The chime of the elevator pulled you from your thoughts as the doors breezed open, exposing you to the flurry of nurses and other staff members rushing around the desk, charting and tending to patient needs. You quickly checked in with your nurses before slipping into your office, collapsing into the office chair with a huff. 

You ran your hands through your hair, as the tears began to gather, spilling over your cheeks with little resistance. A sob racked your chest, painfully contracting as you attempted to catch your breath. 


Leia's voice echoed, pounding against the walls of your mind. 

You had called him by the wrong name for months...He lied to you about his own name, it's hard to tell what else he's lied to you about. 

At this point, you were unsure as to why you were crying, but you couldn't hold it in any longer. Everything about your situation with Kylo felt like a sham. 

Finally, after a few fleeting moments, the tears dried, your attempts to catch your breath finally smoothing out. You walked to the bathroom, patting cool water over your face to ground you, to bring you back down to Earth. With a calming breath, you finally returned to the desk, typing discharge notes and assessment findings. 


You hadn't realized that you had fallen asleep at the desk until the door opened, Pryde strolling through the door, chatting loudly on his cellphone as he deposited his bag on the couch. Rubbing your eyes, you blinked up at him, trying to piece together the time you had lost in your dream state. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, talk to you soon. Bye." Pryde laughed, handing up his cellphone and sliding it into his pocket. 

You glanced at the clock. 1947. 

"So...I checked in with our VIP patient when I got here," Pryde stated, pulling out his stethoscope from his bag, looping it around his neck before continuing, "and she insisted on you staying on her service." 

You blinked, your brow furrowing. 


"She said that you took such good care of her when she arrived, that she couldn't imagine being taken care of anybody else...So, congratulations. I'll take over the floor from here." Pryde sneered, almost holding back an eye roll as he continued pulling his items from his bag. 

You continued to stare at him, almost in awe of the words that had just tumbled from his lips. 

"What the hell are you looking at? Go check on your patient." Pryde exclaimed, pointing towards the door. 

Without another word, you jumped up from the desk chair, hurrying out of the room nearly at the speed of sound. 

The VIP floor was rather tame, the only sounds coming from the telemetry machine at the desk and the soft snoring from Leia's room. You peeked into the room, looking for anything out of the ordinary. 

To your surprise, Leia was resting in bed, her eyes closed, likely asleep from the long day she had of being transferred and started on a heavy treatment regimen, but you caught a glimpse of the mop of black hair at her side. There, Kylo sat, the top of his head resting against her hip, his lips barely parted as his eyelids fluttered. You smiled, stepping out of the room and venturing to the desk where Finn sat, concentrating on the computer screen in front of him. 

"Hey, Finn, if you need anything, I'll be in the on-call room, just call me, okay?" you asked, rubbing his shoulder. 

"Of course, Doc. Get some sleep." he mumbled, continuing his charting, barely taking his eyes from the screen to look up at you. 

You were almost to the on-call room, the bed already turned down and ready for you to slip into it, when you felt a hand gently wrap around your wrist, stopping you from venturing further. You gasped, turning quickly to find Kylo, eyes red and heavy, his thumb brushing against the back of your hand. 

"Angel?" he mumbled, his voice deep and thick with sleep. 

You looked up at him, wanting nothing more than to hold him, even if he had kept secrets from you. Without thinking, you brought your hand up to cradle his face, smiling at him. You took a deep breath. 

"I know, Ky...It's okay" you whispered, dragging him into the on-call room. 

As you both slipped between the sheets, limbs intertwined with his head on your chest, you combed your fingers through his sable locks, you felt beside yourself as you slipped into unconsciousness. 

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