A few people speeded up their pace and crossed the promenade. There was a woman sitting on the ground, shouting, slapped her thighs while slapped on the ground, rubbing all over her body, but she was full of breath, and she was very powerful.

On the side, a young man was dragging a teenage girl without saying a word, especially the girl, whose face was pale and full of tears, seemingly frightened.

On the other side, there are the folks who work in the drugstore, and the Dongs who are looking at them with their brows.

As for the identities of these three people, the Dong clan is very clear.

Before the Liu family directly sent off the little fairy family in order to protect their daughter-in-law, it was spread throughout the town. When Dong family usually enjoyed tea and flowers with the back-house women, even the ladies of the official family in the city said Ye Jiao was so lucky that she was taken care of by her mother-in-law.

After all, the biggest mountain of this married woman is the relationship with her mother-in-law. The more the official and the mother-in-law, the more likes to do things. It is common to ask the daughter-in-law to set the rules today, and to have a concubine for the son tomorrow.

It's not that they are deliberately restless at home, but that the parents in this family are getting old and depend on the son's ability. If the son is caught by his wife, some mother-in-laws feel that their son will not be filial.

Simply messing up with the wind and rain, it confuses them, as long as the son is held, the daughter-in-law in their hearts is just an outsider, and they don't care how much they suffer.

What's more, like the Wu family, the mother-in-law indulged her concubine and killed her wife, and she was amazed.

Now, of course, the Qi family's behavior is quickly taken as a positive example and spread quickly by these wives.

As the shopkeeper lady under the Qi family, the Dong family specifically inquired, and soon knew the ins and outs.

When this wicked lady was playing in the street, she caught sight of them and let them be caught.

In fact, according to Dong's temperament, when encountering such a rogue, find someone to fight, and then throw it out, this kind of goods is bullying and fearing hardship. As long as they are slightly ruthless, they run faster than anyone.

But now the Dong clan can’t do it. Firstly, because the old and young is broken, I’m afraid to get involved in a lawsuit. Secondly, the Dong clan understands what the Liu clan means. Now Ye Jiao is pregnant with a child. When it was time to accumulate yin virtues, the Liu family believed in these things when they chanted and chanted. Dong was afraid that he would beat them, and even if the problem was solved, he would offend Liu family.

In the end, she and Fang Li wanted to discuss life under the Qi family, and of course they shouldn't be bored by the host's mistress.

Therefore, Dong just let them gag and drag them in, so as not to disturb the reputation of the owner outside, but Dong doesn't know what to do next.

And the old lady Li was still crying and crying: "The Qi family treats my son and daughter badly. My daughter, a eldest daughter of a yellow flower, came into their house, and she was thrown out after being abused. My son was in charge of the matter. We will also be bombed out, how can our family live, how can we live!"

Lady of Fortune, Jiao NiangOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz