Chapter 2 going international

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At another part of the world, in New York City, a meeting was held in the mayor's office, where dick hardly arranged a seat at the conference alongside other officials at the table, discussing the amount of crime around the city, even the rate itself, a professionally dressed man was pointing a stick on a graph that was labeled "NY CRIME" showing a high rated percentage,
"the crime rate has jumped Mr. mayor a whopping 86%," said the man at the graph.

"87 to be exact," chimed dick as he entered the room. He rolled in a cart with a pink cloth covering something. Six feet were seen at the bottom of the cloth,

"if I could just take a moment of your time gentlemen to illustrate how a city like Townsville USA..." as he spoke, he saw the cloth squirming and dick smacked it, stopping the squirming "not yet..." he then focused back on the mayor "maintains a crime rate ratio of 003.0?"

"Why, of course, Mr dick," addressed the mayor, "may you tell us how?"

"I'll tell you how!" exclaimed dick as he looked towards the others with sinister eyes "SUPERHUMAN CHILDREN! THAT'S HOW!" he slammed his hands on his table.

"I think this man's nuts," whispered an official to another in which he nodded.

"you mean the Powerpuff girls?" said the mayor, seemingly unfazed by this man's madness "then again, they have been working quite hard over in Townsville, but for the crime rate here in New York, what do you propose?"

"well, it may sound strange," said dick. He then walked back towards his cart, "but what I'm offering is a security system based on that same technology,"

"a security system?" asked the mayor "this had better not be a joke,"

"oh, trust me, it isn't," chimed dick as he then grabbed to cloth and whisked it away "behold! The new and improved Powerpuff girls with chemical Xtreme!"

As the cloth was removed, it showed dick hardly's Powerpuff girls that look like the originals, but with a few differences, the sizes of their body parts and features are not the same, the highlights on blossom and buttercup's eyes are not the same, the bubbles copy has pigtails that ride too high on her head and sit at an odd angle, the blossom copy has crossed eyes and her abdomen is too short, the hairstyles are correct, but the bangs are mismatched, the blossom copy has bubble's part the bubbles copy has buttercup's part, and buttercup has blossom's part as well, it seemed that dick's attempt at creating his own Powerpuff girls were met with some problems in the creation process despite getting all the ingredients right,

"let's be friends!" said the knock off bubbles as if she was reading from cue cards

"prepare to be stomped!" said the knock off blossom,

"girl power!" finished the knock-off buttercup

The mayor and the others looked uneasily towards the exhibit, dick hardly, created his own Powerpuff girls? And as a security system?

"this, is your security system?" spoke the mayor at last,

"yep!" nodded dick "if these girls could clean up crime at Townsville USA, they could certainly clean house in New York!" after a brief silence, he raises his shoulders a bit, a sly grin "so, we got a deal or what?"

"well, alright, Mr hardly," said the mayor, "we'll trust your security system," he then shook hands with hardly, the deal was made, and with that, dick hardly's financial empire had begun.

That night back in Townsville, USA, at the home of the real Powerpuff girls, they were sitting on the couch alongside professor utonium watching tv when they received a news flash breaking in. A female reporter sat on a broadcasting desk, with the news report icon next to her on the screen,

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