The sorcerer supreme

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"Wandas fine. Sharon's got trained specialists making sure she's okay." Sam informed y/n as he leant on the door frame, looking in at her, "she wants you, though."

"I'll be there in a minute," y/n mumbled without looking, "I'm just trying to get this blood off of my face."

"Do you want me to see if someone can sew that wound up for you?" He offered.

"No, Sam, it's fine." She cleared her throat while looking at herself in the mirror. "Can you just be with Wanda, please? I don't want her to be around people she's not familiar with until I get there."

He nodded, "of course."

Blood dripped into the sink and escaped down the drain as the warm water gently washed it off of y/n's hands, arms, and face. She mumbled a casual curse word to herself every time the water burned into a cut, but she brushed it off quicker than ever and moved on to the next one.

She stood at the sink in a bra and her torn up combat trousers as she washed the blood and dust from her arms, chest, and stomach. While she was gently washing her collarbones with the warm towel, Wanda sat in the other room as one of Sharon's agents tended to any wounds she gathered. Luckily, wanda didn't get too many wounds from her experience, so the girls didn't have much to fix.

As quickly as she could, y/n wiped the blood from her face, clenching her jaw and tensing her muscles whenever the water caused a sting. She didn't particularly want to be away from Wanda - even if it was just for a second - but she didn't think Wanda would want to see her so bloody and bruised any more than she already had to.

After getting rid of as much blood as she could, y/n took a handful of water and soared it through her hair to keep it out of her face, before splashing some over her face and exhaling deeply. She allowed herself a moment of calmness before throwing her shirt back on and finally leaving the bathroom.

Although Sharon offered to get y/n a new change of clothes the moment they got back, she declined, explaining that she'd only worry about her own comfort when she was sure that wanda was okay.

When she entered the room that everyone occupied, she saw wandas nervous face shift to a bright smile.

Smiling at the sight of her girlfriend, y/n sat down beside Wanda and took her hand. "How you holding up?"

"Better now." Wanda tried to contain the smile she wanted to let out.

"Do you want me to get someone to patch that up for you, y/n?" Sharon asked as she walked past y/n and saw the wound on her leg.

"Thank you, but I'm alright for now." She took a breath as she held wandas hand in her own, "I just want to sit with Wanda for a while."

"There's a spare room down the hall if you want some quiet." An agent explained. "We'll be making food soon if you're hungry."

Y/n smiled, "thank you."

As she began leaving the room with Wanda, a noise broke the air. A faint but firm knocking at the door cut everyone off and plunged the room to a silence, apart from the sound of multiple agents grabbing a gun from their waist belts.

Instinctively, y/n stood in front of wanda and held her arm out in case there was any kind of threat behind the door, while the rest of the team stared at it with preparation.

While cocking her gun in her hand, Sharon cautiously pulled the door open, but immediately dropped her guard when she saw who it was. She casually turned and pulled the door open even further to allow the man to come in.

"You got a visitor." She cleared her throat to announce.

When the door opened fully, the shadow of the man blocked out a section of the natural light until he stepped forward. However, before anyone else in the room could process who it was, y/n realised and edged closer.

"You?" She scowled the moment she saw him: Doctor Stephen Strange. Her heart flooded with the frustrations that had built up towards him. The whole time that she'd been trying to get Wanda, he was nowhere to be found. He was hidden away to a point that even y/n's powers couldn't reach. Sure, it might've been a coincidence. But how can the Sorcerer Supreme not know what was happening? She took another step closer, "what the fuck took you so long?"

"You don't understand." He tried to dismiss as he entered the room - but, of course, y/n wouldn't let him off the hook so easily.

"All the shit we've just been through could've been done in seconds if the 'sorcerer supreme' got off his fucking ass." She shouted at him, causing the rest of the team to sink to silence.

Instead of taking the time to rationally explain his reasoning to her, Stephen had clearly had enough of his own frustrations which built up.

"No, you don't get it. While you've been out there, carelessly ripping holes to get to the multiverse, I've been elsewhere, cleaning up your shit." He shouted back, and y/n went silent. "You have no idea the kind of shit you've unleashed- the shit that I have to deal with. You don't know how to use your powers, but you're all over the world doing whatever you want with them."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I didn't plan for a witch to take my girlfriend into another fucking place in space and time, I didn't have a lot of options." She snarled back at him. "You seem to know everything, don't you? How come you didn't think to track down the source of this mess- what, you just thought the multiverse was opening up for no reason? You didn't even try to contact me- or stop me! You could've helped us if you just used your fucking brain!"

Wanda stepped forward and tried to gently pull y/n back, "y/n-"

However, before wanda could convince her, strange was already getting his next words in. "NO- YOU DONT GET TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT"

The moment she heard him snap, y/n dropped her argument. Though, she remained standing in her place, looking up at strange with a daring stare, while he looked down at her. His eyes showed that he was clearly trying to hold back the aggression that had built up in his troubles.

"What are you doing here, strange?" Wanda asked so y/n wouldn't have to talk to him anymore. "The last time I saw you was when..." she hesitated, "y/n was passed out for days."

"I'm here to get you all." He explained, refraining from looking at y/n. "There's a bigger battle out there. You're gonna need more than this to fight it. No offence."

"Non taken." Sharon shrugged.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Daisy asked as she pushed herself off of her seat.

Strange squinted, "I've never seen you before."

"Uh- we're part of y/n's old team." She explained, signalling her hand in front of herself, deke, and Mack.

"Oh." He tilted his head for a moment before coughing and turning beside him. "You guys can go home. You've done enough in the fight so far, but I can't take you any further."

"Hold on- what?" Y/n stammered. "You just said we need more to win this fight, but you're getting rid of half of our team."

"If you want to continue like this and fight the battle on your own, so be it. But you need my help, and I can't take them any further." He sternly told her.

While y/n looked up at him with a confused stare and furrowed eyebrows, Mack stood up. "How are we supposed to get home?"

"Through this portal." The moment they looked beside him, the air crackled open to allow a portal to form.

When the three looked through it, they could just about see an array of confused sword agents through the outburst of sparks. They were going back to the rest of their team.

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