Settling in

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"Just a water." Y/n nodded with a smile. "That'll be fine."

"You sure?" Sharon asked with a cocked brow, "we've got a lot of food and drinks, you don't need to be shy."

She chuckled quietly, "that's not it, i just don't feel like eating a lot before i go to bed. I want to get as much sleep as i can before i go and kill a witch."

"I thought you were rescuing a witch." She squinted in confusion.

"Oh, i am. There's two witches; one is my girlfriend, and the other is the one I'm gonna kill." She nodded.

"Oh, right." Sharon understood with a smile, "well, i wish you luck. I really hope you get your girlfriend back. I don't think I'd be able to manage for as long as you have without my girlfriends. And i hope you kill that witch, of course."

"Its been long enough without my Wanda, so I'm gonna make sure that witch suffers for keeping us apart."

Sharon looked at her with sympathy before changing the subject with a sigh, "breakfast will be done in the morning. I hope you get a good sleep. If those boys keep you awake at all, ill make them sleep in the hall with dick."

"Believe me, sharon, I think those boys are smart enough to know not to piss me off when I'm tired." She smirked.

She giggled, "goodnight, y/n."

"Night." She also smiled before turning down the other hallway.

With the bottle of water in her hand, she made her way down the dimly lit hall, waiting to make it to her room. When she passed the other rooms where her friends were staying, she took a moment to open the door and peer through to say goodnight. Mack and daisy shared the smallest room since they were grouped together, the few of Sharon's agents who weren't on a mission were bunked together in a room, sharon and her two girlfriends were in the most secluded room, leaving the last room for sam, bucky, and y/n.

Then, of course, there was deke. During the time it took for y/n to talk to sharon and get ready for bed, deke had already set up what was going to be his bed for the night. At the end of the hall, just after where y/n's designated room was, lied the area that was assigned to be deke's. There he was, in a space below a cabinet, tucked under a blanket with his head buried in a pillow.

When y/n made it down to where he was, she kicked his leg light enough so that it wouldn't hurt him, but hard enough so it would wake him up. With a grunt, he turned around and looked up at y/n with a confused and tired face.

"Yeah?" He asked with a groan in his voice.

After chucking down the water bottle and bag of sweets she was given onto the blanket, she stated, "I got you these. You said you were hungry on the way here. And the water is for your throat, it must be sore after all of that fucking whining you do."

"Wow, i-..." he stammered as he looked at the gifts she brought him, "thank you."

"Don't make a big deal out of it." She scoffed quietly before turning away to get into her own room.

Her eyes were met with bucky's noticeable and heavy stare the moment she got through the door, which immediately confused her. After pressing the door to a close behind her, she furrowed her brows and made her way over to her bed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked.

"Because you just did something nice for deke." He answered.

"Are you f-." She turned quickly and looked at sam, "does this guy have ears like a fucking elephant or some shit?"

"I don't know." Sam shrugged, "all i know is that he has a huge staring problem. He's been staring at that door for the last 20 minutes."

"Yeah, well, i needed to wait for y/n to get back so i can go to sleep." He explained.

"You need my approval to go to sleep?" Y/n sarcastically asked as she slid herself under the covers of her own bed, "that's sweet."

Bucky shook his head, "no, that's not what i meant, I'm a grown man, I don't-"

"You're a very grown man." Sam mumbled under his breath, causing y/n to chuckle.

"Alright, that's enough." Bucky whined, "whatever, I'm going to sleep. I just didn't want you to worry about waking us up, i was being considerate."

Y/n smiled, "bucky, i know. We're just teasing you. You can have your long-awaited sleep now, okay?"

"How you feeling, y/n?" Sam asked while leaving bucky to go to sleep.

"I'm tired, but I don't think I'm in for a good nights sleep." She told him, "not tonight."

"I'm not surprised." He nodded, "Buck does snore like an animal."

"Shut up." Bucky groaned from where he lied before extending his leg to kick sam in the shin.

"OW!" Sam exclaimed, "Jesus fucking Christ, man, i was kidding."

"Gentleman, come on. Are you not tired of the constant bickering?" She asked with a smirk.

"Its him, he's the one who's always starting arguments." Bucky accused.

"Because you always give me something to argue about." Sam groaned.

"Boys, please." She rolled her eyes from where she was on the bed. "Enough with the arguing. Look what you're doing to me, you're making me sound like the responsible one."

"Sam's fault." Bucky whispered.

"I heard that." Y/n told him through gritted teeth.

Then, for a few moments, there was a silence. Y/n tucked herself under the blankets of her own bed and closed her eyes to try and get whatever sleep she could. Bucky rolled over and gave up with the arguing, but sam laid awake in his bed with his eyes glued to the darkness at the ceiling.

"Y/n?" He finally spoke after a while of contemplation.

She shut her eyes tightly in annoyance, "I swear to god, sam, if you say another complaint about bucky, I'm switching rooms."

"No, no, its not about that." He took a pause, and y/n waited for him to speak, "when you see Wanda again... can you tell her that I'm sorry. I just think she'll wanna hear it from you."

With furrowed brows, y/n pushed herself up to rest on her elbows so she could look at sam, "what? Sorry for what?"

"For not checking up on her after the blip." He admitted. "I just feel like... if someone wouldve made sure she was okay, then west view wouldn't have happened. I just wish she wasn't alone to deal with that."

"Sam." She gave him a look, "i know Wanda. I know that she isn't going to resent you for that. She'll be happy to see you when we get her out." Then, she herself took a moment to pause and think,  "I'm not sure if anything could've prevented that. She loved so much, and she lost everything. I almost can't blame her. I mean- I'm not trying to excuse what happened, but... i only recently learned the full story after being told lies after lies." She shrugged and gave it yet another pause, "i feel bad for her. And i get. If i had these powers back when i lost my brother, I would've done the same." She admitted without fear. "I promised myself to love her unconditionally, and that's what I'm gonna do. Not because i feel like i have to, but because i really want to." She smiled, "i love her, sam. More than anything, i love her so much. The only thing that's gotten me through the disappointment of this is knowing that I'm gonna have her back in my arms soon. Ill be able to hold her... kiss her, and make her laugh.." Her ramble was stopped when she caught the way sam was looking at her. "Sorry, I got distracted."

"No, its okay." He shook his head with a small chuckle, "If you wanna tell me about her, I'm here to listen."

"Thanks, but I'm really fucking tired." She groaned.

"Oh, yeah, of course." He wrapped himself under his cover, "goodnight."

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