Turning around, I noticed that someone was standing on the ground, hovering over a pile of unidentifiable items on the ground. I hustled down the hall toward the boy, and realized there were splattered eggs on the ground.

"Oh my gosh," I found myself saying. "Are you okay?"

The boy looked up, and gave me a funny look, "I'm fine. The eggs didn't hurt me, they're eggs." His tone was a little cold, but with his flushed cheeks behind the glasses, I believed he was embarrassed that someone had played this prank on him.

Looking at the floor, I noticed the eggs had broken all over his notebooks when they hit the ground, "I'll go grab you some paper towels," I offered before turning off the short distance to the bathroom to retrieve them. He had called for me, saying it was unnecessary, but I paid no mind. When I returned, I hand him a few and bent down to help.

He eyed me suspiciously, "Why are you helping me?"

Looking at him, I shrugged before picking up a few eggshells. "Why not?"

He raised his eyebrows, "Because people don't help me and this is also pretty disgusting. I don't want you to ruin your dress."

I waved him off, "No worries, it's a hand me down." He eyed me again before shaking his head and looking down to wipe off a red notebook. I laughed lightly, "What?"

"Nothing, I just didn't believe what they said."

"What do you mean?"

"Well they say you're like an angel, saving everyone, but I didn't really think you existed," He chuckled. I blinked at him, and looked away in embarrassment. He realized what he said and his face flamed up behind his glasses.

Deciding not to dwell on it, I changed the subject, "I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name."

Nervously meeting my eyes, he cracked a half smile, "Isaac."

My smile widened, "I'm Sami, it's nice to meet you." He nodded and averted his eyes once more. "Are your notebooks ruined?"

He sighed, "This one is."

Looking at the damage around us as a few students straggled by, I asked "Do you know who did this?"

"It's usually a couple volleyball and football players."

"Usually?" I asked, surprised and saddened that these situations were a regular occurrence for Isaac. Anna popped in to my mind, but I brushed it aside.

He shrugged it off, "It's nothing."

I didn't want to push him, since I could tell he was already skeptical, so we just worked in silence. When we concluded, we stood to our feet and he gave me a small smile. "Thanks for your help. I should probably get to class."

"No problem, bye Isaac. Hopefully the rest of your Monday is more pleasant than this little incident," I smiled sheepishly, still feeling guilty over his troubles.

"It didn't turn out to be so bad this time," He nodded, but then, again, upon realizing his confession, he ducked his red cheeks and walked passed me. I smiled to myself and turned around, to see him walking pretty quickly away. He glanced over his shoulder back at me, but turned around again humiliated I had seen him. At this, I let out a small giggle.

He was kind of cute.


Walking to Jay's Market after school calms me. It is like being set free after being cooped up all day. The cool breeze is refreshing, and I welcome the slight goose bumps it brings because it just reminds me that I am alive.

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