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I sighed, locking my room door. I grabbed my AirPods Pro and listened to mask by dream because that's what the mask is that's what the point of the mask is.

I started humming to the song, and then started crying. R-Ryan is too hot for me. He also seems completely straight and homophobic to me.

Although he has flirted with Joseph a bunch of times, I'm sure he was joking. I could never imagine Ryan and Joseph being part of the airhead sour x-treme community.

I then went to post a tiktok, asking for some songs that make you seem depressed and some depressed makeup tutorials on YouTube.

After doing that, I looked... different. I looked very depressed, and emo? And I put some songs on my Spotify playlist, which I had named "broken🖤🥀☁️", to fit my new personality.

What a glow up! I thought to myself. I walked out of the house, confidently.

I then proceeded to go to the park, to show off my new aesthetic.

Completely forgetting I was supposed to be "depressed", I walked to the park with a smile on my face.

When I finally arrived to the park, I remembered that I was supposed to be depressed and sad, so I quickly frowned and tried to look depressed.

Grabbing my headphones, I put mask by dream on repeat, and started crying.

After some time crying, some hot boy came and asked if I was okay.

"Hey girl, are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I-I-I'm just a l-little depressed." I replied.

I couldn't help but look at him. He was about 7'10 in height, hot, cute, handsome, hot, cute, handsome, hot, cute, handsome, and amazing.

"What's your name bbg😉" he asked. "I-I'm Kota, what about you?"

"Hunter." Was all he said. He grabbed a piece of paper from his bag, a pen, and started to write on it.

He gave it to me, and it had random numbers on it, and at the bottom it said "text or call me gorgeous *wink*" I started blushing, and went home, completely forgetting about my problems... and Ryan.

I was in love with another man.

#truelove story of white emily pick me girl and 'cute boy' in her classWhere stories live. Discover now