Chapter 32: Blueberry Kisses

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Days before their trip to Paris


Like I said before, Al loved blueberries.

You know, the blueberry-muffins-Chiara-incident. *cough cough

But, it was all good now with Chiara and Al. She was in truth a very nice person, and she had been saving Stef in the kitchen these past few days. Everyone had helped her hide the truth to Liugi Stracci so nothing would happen to her family. We still hadn't figured out why Liugi wanted to separate me and Al, but we had to protect Chiara for now.

Anyhoo, I took a big, round blueberry pie out the fridge. I had made one big blueberry pie for Al. It had a large crust, with cream and blueberry fillings, plus wild-berries on top.

It was for our date. At half-past two. My first date!

Smiling giddily, I sliced into the pie, separating two smaller slices onto two plates, spreading thick, frosty cream on top. On the table I put the candle Al had given me before Christmas. Everything looked delightful, the February sunlight shining down on the cleaned table. I sat in the bakery, waiting patiently for Al. Excitement fizzled in me, and I made sure everything looked picture-perfect.

Thirty minutes later

I looked up from the counter, glancing at the clock. It was three o'clock, past our arranged time. Surely he was busy? Or had he forgotten? I frowned, sighing as I took out a book to read.

Another hour after that

Four o'clock. A heavy feeling spread throughout me but I just waved it off. He had always been a busy person, being the don of the mafia after all. Sighing, I buried myself back in my book, reading and waiting. I bit my lip, sadness brewing inside of me as I waited patiently.

Two hours and thirty freaking minutes past the agreed time

The glass door opened, revealing a panting Al rushing inside.

"I'm so so sorry, Lei," he sat down hurriedly, an apologetic expression written across his face, "Lorenzo was pleading me to let him come with us to Paris. Stef was pleading me to let him come as well. I didn't want anything to happen to them so we discussed the matter for a long time and...I-I didn't notice the time."

I didn't look up, reading quietly. It was five o'clock.

"I know it's no excuse, and I...I promise I won't do so again."

I nodded, biting my lip. I didn't want to fight with him for something as small as this, but I was really sad. I internally sighed.

"It's fine."

Al winced at my cold reply, mumbling another sorry. We sat in silence for a couple of tense moments, and I fumbled with flipping the pages of my book, unable to concentrate with him sitting in front of me.

"What are you reading?" he asked quietly.

"Fifty ways to kill a mafia don."

Al snorted, and I glanced up, smiling. He laughed.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again," he offered again, and I smiled softly at him. "It's fine, I get it," I waved off, pushing over his plate of pie and he grinned at my dessert.

"Blueberries, your favorite." 

"Thank you, love." 

Love? I felt my cheeks heat up immediately. I bit into my own slice of pie happily, watching Al eat. My heart did small pit-pats, running in small circles.

"Are we travelling to Paris soon?"

"Yes, love," Al nodded, "in three days. It'll be a five-day trip."

"Five days? That's quite a lot."

"Alfonso will arrive in Paris on the 15th and 16th. We're going on the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and the 17th. We'll meet up with him once he lands. Alberto will track him down."

I nodded, biting into my blueberry and cream pie. Al's hand reached forward. He wiped the cream off the corner of my mouth, licking his finger.

My face went bright red. Oh wow.

I stared down at my own book, trying to hide my flustered face. The sweet pastry tasted so light and delightful in my mouth, and I glanced out the windows of my bakery, orangey hues of the dim sunlight setting in. Sunset was arriving, pale orange and pink tints of sunlight warming the small town.

Standing up, I collected both of our plates. "Thank you, love," he nodded, "I really did like it. It was delightful, thank you." I grinned cheekily, stashing the plates in the sink for later. As I wringed the cloth to wipe the table, Al took it from my hands, wiping the countertop himself. 

"Thank you," I smiled gratefully at the small gesture, washing the cloth and hanging it on the kitchen wall hooks. As I came out of the kitchen, Al was standing beside a table, looking out with his serious blue eyes, deep in thought.

"Are you alright?" I questioned, tapping him lightly from behind. "Of course," he nodded, facing me now. He looked serious once more, so distant in thought.

"You're not alright," I shook my head slightly, brushing away a strand of his tousled brown hair from his solemn face, "you can talk to me you know?"

Al's eyebrows knitted together, and he looked down, fidgeting with his hands. "I know," he said in his low voice. He looked conflicted, a perplexed and sad expression taking over his face. I knew it was hard for him to express so took his hands, gently placing them in my own.

He looked down at our entwined hands, softly speaking. "I...I understand Alfonso well, in view to the fact that he's my brother. And he wouldn't have left us unless it was of great, great importance. Alfonso's investigation...I'm scared."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he buried his face in my hair, sighing a little. "What if he finds out something horrible? And what if something bad happens to any of us, Stef being careless and Alfonso out there meeting other know?"

A sad smile crept up my face and I nodded, "Of course I know," I sighed, "I'm anxious for all of us too. But we're doing this for the family, so I'm here for you."

He broke the hug, smiling down slightly. His usual cold demeanor and the seriousness just now was replaced by a small smile. "Thank you," he muttered softly.

"No need to thank me. I'll always be-"

Al's lips pressed into mine, gently letting my own lips respond. I threw my arms around him, our bodies pressed up against each other, shocks of warmth shooting up my spine. His ticklish breath was felt upon my own skin, and I smiled into the passionate kiss, my nose touching his. Warmth blossomed in me and I could inhale his own sweet scent, blushing deep crimson as our mouths moved in unison.

"You..." I breathed breathlessly, "you taste like blueberries."

He let out a hearty laugh, deep and heartfelt,shaking his head amusingly at me as he leaned in for another kiss.


We're going to Paris for five days, everyone! Buckle up, it's gonna be a long trip.

And yes, I LOVED this sweet chapter, and I loved writing/editing it. 


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