"Hey Lou," Niall called, walking into the kitchen. "Hi, Hazza!" 

Harry waved at him and went back to drawing. 

Liam and Zayn walked into the kitchen as well. 

"I told Harry we're going to go to the park later," Louis told them. 

"Twelve," Harry said. 

"That's right, we're going to the park at twelve," Louis tells him. 

"Alright," Liam says. "Lou, come here." 

Louis got up and walked over to Liam. "What's up?" Louis asked. 

"Well, we got invited out to dinner tonight with Simon and he wants us all there," Liam tells him in a quiet voice. They knew Harry really didn't like Simon and tended to get upset when his name was mentioned. 

"Shit, why?" Louis asked. 

Liam shrugged, "He just said he hasn't seen us in a while." 

"Tell him to get a restaurant with a private room, at least," Louis says, knowing there was no way out of the dinner and they would have to bring Harry. 

"I'll go call him right now," Liam said, turning to leave the kitchen. 


"Niall, twelve," Harry says after lunch. 

"Is it?" Niall asks. Harry nods. 

"Let's go get the boys then, it's time for the park," Niall says, standing up from the couch and turning off the golf game he'd been watching. 

Harry went and got everyone else. Liam helped Harry into his shoes and they were off to the park. 

At the park, the first thing Harry did was run to the sandbox. He loved the sandbox but there were usually lots of people in it, today though, the whole park was empty!

Zayn went to the sandbox with him while the others went to play some football. 

Zayn sat while Harry got in the zone of making sandcastles and digging in the sand with some of the various toys that had been left there over the years. 

A while later, Zayn heard Harry make a soft squeaking noise. He looked up and saw Harry staring at him. When Harry made noises like these they either meant he needed the bathroom, he was overwhelmed, he was bored or something was wrong. 

"Bathroom?" Zayn asked. Harry shook his head. 

"Do you need to do something else?" Zayn asked. 

"Louis," Harry said, looking down at the sand. 

"Let's go find Louis," Zayn nodded, standing up and holding his hand out. Most of the time, touching wasn't Harry's favourite thing but, he was comfortable with the boys so it was usually okay for them to touch him but they still let Harry initiate the touch most of the time just in case he was uncomfortable. 

Harry took Zayn's hand and they walked over to where the boys were still playing with the football. 

"Louis, curly here wants you," Zayn calls. Louis stops playing and walks over to the pair. 

"What's up?" Louis asked Zayn. 

Zayn shrugs, "I don't think anything's wrong, he just wanted you." 

Louis looks to Harry now, "Hey, Haz. How was making sandcastles?"

Harry doesn't respond so, Louis tries again. "Harry, remember what we do when someone asks a question?"

Harry shakes his head no. 

"That's okay, love. We can work on it," Louis says. He can tell Harry's tired and it's a lot harder to get him to speak or use cues when he's tired. "I think it's time we get going. We have to get ready for tonight," Louis says. 

Harry looks up at Louis and nods in agreement to going home. Louis smiles and holds out his hand, Harry takes it and they all start their walk home. 


(Time jump to when they get to the restaurant because nothing interesting happened)

"Alright, Harry, when we get inside it's going to be a little loud but only for a few minutes," Louis explains to him before they go inside. Simon had gotten them a private room so it would be quieter for Harry and there was less of a chance of him getting upset from the different sounds.

Harry nods and they climb out of the car. Before the door to the restaurant opens, Harry grabs Louis' hand out of nowhere. Louis knows how scared he gets in crowds and gives his hand a little squeeze as they walk in. 

They're taken straight back to their room where Simon is already waiting for them. Harry sees Simon and frowns, he really doesn't like him and none of the boys know why. 

Louis and Harry sit as far away from Simon as they can and the other boys fill in seats around them. 

"How're ya, Simon?" Niall asks. 

"Good, good. How are you all?" Simon responds. 

"We're doing well, been pretty busy though," Liam says. 

They chat for a while and then eventually the waitress comes in and takes their order. 

"So, how's the new album coming along? I haven't been able to connect with the recording people for a couple of weeks," Simon asks while they eat. 

"It's going well. They said we've recorded seven out of twelve songs so, almost done," Louis tells him. 

"Sounds like it's coming along well," Simon replies, all the boys nod in agreement. 

Harry had been given a colouring book when they came in so, he was happily drawing because he'd finished his food already. 

After a while though, Harry started to get restless. He started tapping the table in a repeated rhythm and rocking back and forth a bit. When the boys noticed this they decided it was probably time to go. 

They said goodbye to Simon and left the restaurant. When they got home, it was almost eight o'clock so, Niall and Louis started Harry's nighttime routine. 

He took a bath, got his pyjamas, brushed his teeth, Niall helped him brush his hair, and then he got into bed and Louis read him a story while he fell asleep. 

When Louis was sure he was asleep, he made sure the night light was on and left the room quietly. Not long after, the rest of the boys went to bed, all tired out from an eventful day.


I hope you liked this!! 

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