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Saint was busy watching the animation movie when he found one worker enter the living room. He thought that he might have come to collect something that Perth would have asked to move from there. But then, the person moved towards where he was sitting.

Saint turned around to look at the figure walking towards him and his eyes widened. His face was drained of the color as he recognized the familiar face – that face with creepy smile. Goosebumps started to arise on his body as he saw that beastly look.

He turned around hurriedly to look for Perth but he was missing from the place. Saint was about to shout when a rough palm covered his mouth silencing him. Trump stopped Saint from making any sound.

Saint was lying on couch and Trump was above him with a creepy smile playing on his face, his eyes filled with greed. This wasn't the first time Saint has seen that creepy face. Saint tried to trash around making an effort to release himself from the grip of the mad man.

"My beautiful love, stop all that you are doing or else....... I won't hesitate to slice your throat." Trump threatened. Saint felt a cold metal near his neck and realized that Trump was holding a knife near his throat.

He was scared and prayed internally for Perth to come. Trump than lowered his face close to Saint and hissed, "Now my beauty, listen to each word carefully. You are coming with me, say one word and you know the consequences. Do a single move and you are going down along with your husband. So........ If you want to keep yourself and your husband safe, come with me."

Tears escaped Saint's eyes as he realized that there was no way to escape than agreeing to Trump. He nodded slightly in agreement and Trump lowered the knife. "Good, don't allow a word to leave your sweet lips. Head down and walk behind me." Trump instructed.

Saint wanted so badly to shout for Perth but the fear that Trump might harm Perth made him keep quiet. His heart was aching as he agreed to all the stupid conditions put forth by Trump. Even though the knife was lowered, Trump was still hovering over the fragile figure. "Get up and follow me" Trump ordered.

Trump had just moved a bit when a strong punch landed against his jaw making him fall to the floor. Perth stood next to Saint with an angry face, his blood boiling. He lunged forward to grab the culprit but Trump managed to get up and run towards the door. Perth chased him trying to catch him.

Trump dashed against the person carrying pile of boxes making him trip and fall to the ground scattering the boxes around. It earned him enough time to escape from Perth. Plan tried to stop him but he shoved the little guy against the wall in his haste. Running through the front door, he made his way out of the gate and soon disappeared. Perth came rushing out trying to get a hold on him but there was no trace of his presence around.

Worrying about Saint, Perth hurried back inside the house only to find Plan consoling the shaking figure. After seeing Perth return, Plan moved a bit allowing Perth to take care of Saint.

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