Hyun Bin bit his lip thoughtfully, "I know you will be a great mother to Gi Dong and his siblings someday, but there are times when I wonder what your life would be like if I didn't put you in this position now...  "

Their conversation suddenly stopped when a waiter came with a menu book. Ye Jin watched Hyun Bin who ordered food and drinks for the two of them while wondering where the conversation was going just now.

"I can't get over the fact that because I got you pregnant at a young age, you missed out on the chance to live a normal life like our peers."  Hyun Bin continued later.

Ye Jin took a deep breath as she looked at the sparkling lights outside the restaurant window, "I used to think about that a lot, Oppa..."

Hyun Bin looked into Ye Jin's eyes worriedly, "Sorry...." was all he could say.

Ye Jin shook her face with a smile looking at Hyun Bin. The girl understood how her lover was burdened by guilt all this time. "No one can guarantee that my life will be better even without Gi Dong's presence, oppa... Besides what I couldn't do in the past five years, I plan to do it after we get married."

"So you're going to apply for college?"  Hyun Bin asked excitedly.

"I really want to study psychology, like doctors and therapists who helped treat me during... You know..." Ye Jin shrugged her shoulders with a bitter smile.

The atmosphere became a little awkward after Ye Jin mentioned the dark times of depression and mental disorders due to the loss of a baby. A waiter delivered drinks and they welcomed the diversion with relief.

"I feel obligated to remind you that you have a choice to walk away from all this." Hyun Bin put down his drink slowly.

Ye Jin started to look irritated now, "Why is Oppa saying things like this anyway..?" she asked.

"I just don't want you to marry me out of necessity..!" Hyun Bin hurriedly explained, "I don't want you to feel forced because Gi Dong was already here.... Forced because you want to avoid gossips... Forced because you feel sorry for me, or for other reasons..."

"Oppa, look at me." Ye Jin pulled Hyun Bin's hand again, forcing him to look her in the eyes, "I decided to come back to you, and marry you with full awareness. Willingly, not out of necessity."

Hyun Bin looked out of the window now, unable to see the sincerity in Ye Jin's eyes that he didn't deserve after all that had happened.

"Are you really sure that you can accept me as a husband? The me who is not as cheerful as Gong Yoo, the me who has failed you for so many times, with my mother who constantly tries to hurt you?"

"You really think all that?" Ye Jin looked into Hyun Bin's eyes trying to figure out what was on his mind.

"Of course I think so, look at you. Everyone is stealing glances at you wherever you are, do I need to remind you how Gong Yoo was so crazy about you back then, what about the boss at the cafe you worked at? You can have a much better person than me whenever you want."

"Oh my..." Ye Jin pinched her forehead trying to hold back laughter at the words of her future husband, "I never really said this, but has oppa never looked at a mirror?" Ye Jin asked amused to see Hyun Bin looking at her in confusion.

The Hallowed Heart - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now