Chapter 22

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"You know Bin can drive Ye Jin home by myself, no need for eomma to drive us like this."  Hyun Bin sat in the back seat of his mother's car groaning. Next to him, Ye Jin just sat in silence, still embarrassed at being caught spending time alone with Hyun Bin when his mother wasn't home.

"Of course you can drive her home or take her on the bus, but then what?" her mother gritted her teeth, waiting for Hyun Bin to finish wearing the seat belt, "You will want to stay there again, the next day she will take you home, and you will keep on doing that until your baby born?"

Hyun Bin didn't answer, pretending to focus on carefully fastening Ye Jin's seat belt. "Is this all right?" Hyun Bin asked, worried about the pressure on the girl's stomach. Ye Jin just smiled and nodded.

His mother then started the car engine impatiently, chuckling in annoyance at the interaction of the two teenagers behind her from the rearview mirror.

"You know you only have 3 months before your graduation exam? You haven't even applied to any university. Eomma heard that your cousin has been accepted into SNU with a sports scholarship. You should have been accepted easily if you weren't so reckless to donate a kidney for your useless appa." Hyun Bin's mother nagged continuously.

The one being scolded was busy holding hands and looking at his lover, as if nothing else in this world was more important than Ye Jin's comfort. The girl glared at him and cocked her chin at Hyun Bin's mother, afraid that she would be angrier if he didn't respond immediately.

"I understand, eomma. But this is just the first day of my freedom. After all, I always study to prepare for tests and exams all the time while in rehab." Hyun Bin explained curtly, annoyed that his mother was still bringing up the kidney donating issue.

"Tch, it's the first day of freedom and you spend most of your time with that girl. After you two get married, there'll be plenty of time together until you're sick of each other."  her mother responded cruelly.

"Don't talk like Ye Jin isn't here! She will be a big part of my life, so you better get used to saying Ye Jin's name!"  Hyun Bin squeezed Ye Jin's fingers, but the girl just stared out the window, hiding her teary eyes.

Her mother smiled sarcastically, glanced at the rearview mirror and said, "Two years from now, when you guys don't have the money to just buy milk, and that girl keeps blaming you for your bad luck, you'll realize that eomma was right."

Ye Jin, who felt Hyun Bin's emotions began to bubble, squeezed their fingers together and shook her head, pleading for her boyfriend to hold back his emotions. But Hyun Bin was hooked and ready to fight with his own mother now.

"Don't compare us with eomma and appa!"  he replied hatefully, "Ye Jin and I love each other, and we won't sacrifice our children for our egos!"

The car pulled over suddenly. Hyun Bin's mother clenched her fists on the steering wheel. "Don't comment on something you don't understand." whispered her mother angrily.

"What do I not understand? I was there! I was the victim of your conflicts!"  Hyun Bin snapped at his mother angrily.

"Eomma just wants to give you the best life!"

"You only wants your own version of ideal life!"  Hyun Bin tried hard to hold back the tears that almost fell, "Everything you did was for your own sake!"

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