Chapter 26

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Hyun Bin's father took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself before entering the office building. Thinking that he would soon have to meet face-to-face and talk to his ex-wife made his stomach churn suddenly. Ever since their divorce almost 12 years ago, their meeting could be counted with just one hand's fingers. And each encounter with the cold-faced woman always left a little trauma that lingers for days.

The receptionist in the lobby invited Hyun Bin's father to go straight to his ex-wife's room.  Hyun Bin's father admired the long hallway leading to the private room where Hyun Bin's mother worked. Apparently the woman was quite successful in building her career after working so hard for a dozen years.

Hyun Bin's father knocked softly on the door at the far end of the room. The door was slightly ajar so he could see the woman was busy writing on several sheets of paper on her desk. Hyun Bin's mother looked up and immediately put down her stationery when she noticed the presence of her ex-husband.

"Please, sit." she said, pointing to the chair in front of her.

Hyun Bin's father walked slowly towards the center of the room and sat awkwardly across from his ex-wife. "Thank you for taking the time to meet." he said nervously.

"I thought there was something urgent on the phone to talk about. Can you get straight to the point?"

Always no-nonsense, Hyun Bin's father thought wryly. But it's also good to directly talk about the purpose of his arrival. The sooner they discussed, the sooner he could get out of this place.

"I've heard about your plans to travel overseas with Hyun Bin for work from Ye Jin. The kid seemed really worried about it." Hyun Bin's father started the conversation.

Hyun Bin's mother looked at him expressionlessly, "...and what's that got to do with me?" she asked coldly.

Hyun Bin's father had expected the woman to react like this, "I understand this trip is important for your work and will open up many opportunities for Hyun Bin's future, but can't it be postponed until the child is born and they get married?"

"Didn't Hyun Bin tell you my answer when he proposed the same thing?" she asked, crossing his arms.

Hyun Bin's father just shook his head not understanding.

His ex-wife looked at him in annoyance, "I told him that this matter is urgent to ensure the company's well-being in a long run. If Hyun Bin can't take this opportunity now, then the same opportunity may not come again in 10 years."

"But the problem is Hyun Bin's child, our grandson, will be born in a matter of weeks. Ye Jin will definitely feel restless until Hyun Bin returns." Hyun Bin's father tries to argue.

"Then let her worry. There's nothing we can do right?" Hyun Bin's mother replied sarcastically.  "I told you, this trip may only take 2-3 weeks. Even if the baby is born early it shouldn't be a problem right? Your family is so big, why can't you accompany her to give birth instead?"

"The one you call 'that baby' is Hyun Bin's son too." Hyun Bin's father gritted his teeth at what his ex-wife called their future grandson.

"I'm not denying that, really." replied the woman coldly.

"Hyun Bin will blame you if he misses the birth of his child because he's stuck with you overseas!"

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