ch. 5 sharp needles

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I woke up, noticing that Jay was still asleep, so I quietly snuck out of the room so I didn't wake him up. I stepped out to the courtyard noticing the silence in the monastery. "Did everyone leave?" I muttered to myself quietly as I looked around. Wu wasint even here amd it appears that he took his teapot with him. 'He's probably out meditating somewhere' I thought to myself as I made my way to the kitchen to grab myself a cup of water. Last night was chaotic... I still can't belive they returned. I sighed. "I suppose Karma's out to get me huh?" I mumbled to myself as I walked out to the courtyard and looked down at my water, zoning out for a moment. I then noticed something that made me freeze in my steps. In the reflection of my water... I saw Krux and acronix standing on the roof behind me. I quickly turned around to face them. Krux gave me a smile once he knew I noticed them. "Hello again. It's been a while since we've last spoke. Huh brat?" He said teasingly. I stood there still frozen trying to comprehend what to do. They had the time blades on them to fighting is probably not the best option. But running also won't be the best idea with the forward timeblade in there hands. I continued to think as krux continued to speak. "They know where back yet they left you home alone?" He questioned. 'They don't know Jay's here' I thought. Thats it... thats my plan. I dodge them as long as I can. Be loud enough to wake Jay up to get help. I'll grab a sword just in case I have to fight. I glared at them, trying to apear more intimidating then I actually am at the moment. "Why are you here!? I have nothing to give you?!" I shouted at them. Krux laughed. "Oh actually. You have plenty to give us." He said darkly before jumping down to face me. "I would never help you!" I shouted backing up and grabbing the first weapon I saw. "Oh you are... just not willingly. NOW BROTHER!" as soon as he shouted I sprinted as soon as he shouted and started to be as loud as I can as I ran around. I purposely ran into things and made shouts of pain as I dodged there attacks so it appeared as if I was messing up and unable to focuse due to fear. I didnt want them to realize Jay was here or else I would just scream for his help. I even made a dash for the communication center to make it apear I was desperate for help.
I continued this for a while before I was cornered. Without anything else to do. I decided it was best for me to scream at the top of my lungs as it may be my only hope of getting out of whatever they are going to do.

I woke up to a sudden loud scream and sprung into action. Who's voice was that? Why were they screaming? I thought as I made a dash for the courtyard and ran through the doors. I spotted kai cornered by krux and acronix and immediately went into action, grabbing the closes weapon next to me which happened to be nyas old trident and used my lighting through it blasting them away from kai before running infront of him and glaring at them. "Where the fuck is everyone else?!" I questioned kai. He stood next to me with his sword. "I dont know, there not here though." He said. His voice sounded horse making me question how long he had been yelling for my help beforehand. The time twins ran at us now angered. I dodged krux's initial attack with ease and continued to fight him listening to the sounds of kai and acronix's weapons clashing. "Ughh! YOUR JUST AS ANNOYING AS THAT GIRL!" krux yelled at me annoyed. "I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much." I replied with a smug smile. He growled before continueing to attack me continuesly. This continued on for a bit until I heard a shocked shout. I looked to where the voice came from and saw Misaco standing there shocked for a moment. But doing so I let my guard down for both myself and Kai. I assume kai did the same because the next thing I knew I heard muffled screams. I swung around spotting Acronix with his hand over kais mouth as kai struggled from acronix's grasp. "Now now, don't struggle so much ninja~ it will only hurt more then it needs to if you do~" acronix said in this voice that made both Misaco and I cringe. Kai only started to struggle more after he said that. We both then sprung into action and ran towards them only to be stopped by the pause blade. Unable to move, unable to help him, unable to do anything but watch. I watched painfully as krux pulled a needle out of his pocket and gave it to Acronix who was still holding Kai. His struggling seemed to increase again when he saw the needle. "Hold fucking still brat!" Acronix shouted as he stabbed it in his neck.

 I could hear kais muffled scream as he did so, he stopped moveing though

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I could hear kais muffled scream as he did so, he stopped moveing though. Afraid that if he did the needle would snap and it would be worse then it already was. His chest was rising and falling rapidly as he desperately breathed for air while acronix covered his mouth. I struggled to move again but was still unable to help. I couldint watch this! I had to help him! Hes so close! He's right there yet i still can't help him! So close yet to far away! Acronix pulled the needle put of kais neck and I thought they were done as they said "alright we got what we came for" but I was wrong. They pulled out another needle filled with this yellow and black liquid. "Now we just need to leave a little something behind." Krux finnished as he gave it to acronix. Kai started to struggle again before acronix stabbed him in the neck again with the needle. Kai seemed to scream in pain as acronix ejected whatever the liquid was into his neck. He then pulled the needle out of his neck as we heard footsteps running up the stairs. Acronix dropped the needle onto the ground and looked at his brother who stood there with a smug smile.

We ran up the stairs to the monastery with Ray and Maya behind us. After doing patrol we ran into sensei and eventually came to the conclusion that they had to be warned. Once we told them they informed us that would rather be in the monastery with us. Were its less isolated. We of course, agreed. I was ahead of the group obviously as climbing mountains is sort of my thing. I froze however when I got the the top. I heard struggled breathing and screams of pain. Muffled... instantly I knew something was wrong and looked back at everyone calling down to them. "Somethings wrong! I can tell!" I shouted worried. They all spring into action and ran up the stairs. I kicked through the door freezing at the sight I saw. Jay and Misaco were frozen where they were, kai was in acronix's grasp, struggling with no avail and krux stood there with this smug smile. "About time you joined us~" he said with a smile.
"I'll admit... I was shocked you would leave them alone Wu~ especially after what happened to poor little Nya~"

🎶Krux is a bitch🎶

Anyways what a nice chapter. Don't worrie I won't leave you on this cliffhanger for like a month. The next chapter should be out really, really soon actually.


Slammed against the wall
Can't breath
Your hands around my neck
Do I deserve this?
The world slowly fades to black
Is this what it feels like?
I know they see
My mothers screams
Why won't they help me?
I guess we'll say...

You won this battle

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