"Well I know, you said you were leaving me for a reason." I watch the boys make a circle around me. Niall and Liam still holding my hands.

"And you finally gave me your reason. It took me a month and a half to find. Even though I knew about them before that." I look into Niall eyes. "Aaron, you sent Niall to me. When I'm with him I feel the hole in my heart healing. Though I will always miss you. You sent me these boys Aaron. These 5 amazing boys. Thank you." I whisper the last part.

I feel the wind start to pick up. It whips my hair around my face. I smile.

"What?" Liam asks looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Aaron. In the wind... He always loved it when the wind blew through his hair. And he always made fun of me when my hair was in my face. Like now. " I say pushing some hair from my face.

Liam smiles. "Does he approve? Is he happy for you?" he asks quietly.

I let the wind envelope my whole body and I put my arms up like wings, letting go of Niall's hand, and Liam's.

"Yeah... Yeah he really is." I say.

The wind bursts again, as if he's really telling me he is happy for me.

"I love you Aaron..." I whisper to the wind.

It gusts again. Hitting my entire body so hard I feel like I'm going to be knocked over. I swear I could smell his familiar smell. But then the wind stops and he's gone again. I put my arms down and hug Niall.

He kisses my forehead. "You ready to go home?" he asks.

I nod my head and don't remove myself from Niall's waist until all six of us burst into my house and collapse in a pile on the floor in my bedroom.


Niall's P.O.V.

-----3 Weeks Later-----

We got a few shows in before we started to prepare for our holiday break. Lana came to every one of them and sat backstage, and we stayed at her house the whole time. Today we were packing our final things before leaving for the airport.

"Lana! Are you almost ready? We have to leave soon!" I yell placing my suitcase by the front door with the boys.

"Yeah!" She yells. "Can you come help me real quick?"

I run up the stairs and burst into Lana's room. I give her props, my room would be a catastrophe if I had no idea what I was going to pack, but everything was tidy. "I can't close my suitcase!" Lana says from beside her bed.

I chuckle and stride over to her side. Pushing down the top of the case so Lana can zip it closed. After a few minutes of struggling to pull the zipper she finally gets it zipped up.

I pull it off her bed and stand by her bedroom door. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I mean.. The last time I spent this long away from home was when I stayed at the hospital......" She whispers.

"Hey, it's okay to be nervous. My family aren't exactly quiet." I say laughing.

Lana smiles lightly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Okay, do you have your phone and charger and headphones? All your bathroom stuff and all the clothes you want?" I ask one last time.

Lana checks her carry on bag. "Yep. Got it all." She says.

There's Always A Reason (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now