4 : Discharged

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TK apologized for what happened that day, and we decided not to talk about it. He was worked up and worried, and I was high on painkillers, so we put that day behind us. He promised to let me off the hook, and told me that he will always support my decision, whatever it may be, forever.

It's been two weeks since I've walked on my own two legs. Whenever I needed to use the bathroom, either TK, if he was there, or Lucy, my really strong, really nice nurse, would carry me and set me on the toilet. Honestly, it was weird when TK did it. Luckily, he had extra shifts this month, so he wasn't there most of the time. But, when he was, TK would not let Lucy touch me at all.

Shockingly, Blake visited me quite often, always bringing Lindt Truffles, Ferrero Rochers, and my favorite flowers, Pink Camellias.

Nick, James, and Nia came to visit almost every day after school. They kept me company for the most part.

When they weren't there, it was just Lucy and me. Lucy is nice. She listens to everything I say, and is very patient with my pickiness in food. She even goes out to bring me something, because hospital food sucks.

I get out today. I can finally go home after being in the hospital for two weeks. The doctors said that the cut I got on my leg is practically healed. It will leave a scar, but that's pretty much it. My bones, however, are still mending. Apparently, the way it broke, it is gonna take about two more months. I had a fit when I found out that I had to be off-duty for two more months.

I'm happy to be getting out of the hospital, but I'm really going to miss Lucy though.

Dr. Johnson walks in with TK, Dad, and Carlos.

"Lia!" Dr. Johnson says. "You must be excited to be leaving."

I just smile at her.

"Okay. I told TK, Carlos, and your father what to do. They have all the instructions." she continues. "You will have to take your painkillers and a couple other medicines until you completely heal. You should be getting up and moving so that your leg doesn't fall asleep. But, don't overuse your right leg please. A little movement will help it heal, but too much will hurt it even more." I nod. "Okay, now, let's get you on your feet." she says.

I sit up. That's the most I've been able to do for the past three weeks since the accident, and I haven't stood on my own legs. I get to walk...or, rather hop(on crutches and a cast) from today.

Carlos and TK walk over to me. I hold their hands as Dad helps me move my legs to the floor.

"Go slow." Dr. Johnson says.

I slowly lower my left leg onto the floor. The marble is cold.

"You got this." TK says assuringly.

I slowly put pressure onto my left foot. It hurts a little from not using it for so long, but I push past it. I slowly stand, but lose my balance, falling onto TK, who catches me.

"Woah." he says.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," I assure him.

Pushing myself off of him, I clutch his and Carlos's hand in each of my own. They hand me the crutches. I put the crutch pad under my armpits, and clutch the grips. Taking a deep breath, I take a hop forward. TK and Carlos stand ready at my sides, prepared to catch me in case I fall. I make it to the door, and Dad opens it for me. The hospital staff is outside, Lucy in the front.

"Happy Discharge!" they all yell. Confetti rains down on me, TK, and Carlos.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Lucy says to me, giving me a hug.

"Me too." I tell her, returning the hug with one hand as TK holds my crutch.

We make it to the front of the hospital, the staff following us. James is ready at the front with Carlos' car.

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