2: Accident

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I'm working out and talking to Tara when both the fire and EMS alarms go off. Tara and I fly out the door.

Throwing on my gear, I run to the engine with the others.

"What is it Cap?" Trav asks, as we pull out of the garage, lights on, and sirens blaring.

"A townhouse is on fire, and the fire's spreading quickly." Cap replies. "Once we get there, we need to be up and running. Liara, find the second nearest hydrant. We need to draw both hoses to stop the fire from spreading. The houses nearby have been evacuated, but we need the whole row of houses empty. It's hot, and the wind isn't in our favor."

"Any civilians Cap?" Trav asks.

"The family is trapped. A kid, two parents, one dog."

"Cap, there's a hydrant a street over." I say as we come to a stop in front of the burning houses.

"Alright, get the hose there, now." Cap shouts as we all jump out. I grab the longer hose, and start running.

"Everyone, evacuate your homes." Matt is yelling into the megaphone. I can hear him from a street over. I find the hydrant and quickly connect the hose.

"Cap, the hose is connected." I say into my radio.

"Turn it on and get back." Cap shouts back.


I turn the water on and run back to the truck. Miles, TK, Matt, and Trav are at the hoses (two people at each one), working on the flames that spread to the other houses. They can't hose down the house with civilians, because the civilians would drown with the water pressure.

"Liara, we have to go in." Cap shouts.

"Okay Cap." I say, grabbing an oxygen tank, a mask, and an extinguisher.

"Keep the fire at bay." Cap shouts to the others.

He looks at me and nods. I give him a nod back.

We run into the burning house.

"Go up," Cap orders.

I nod, give him a thumbs up, and find my way to the stairs, putting as much of the flames out with my extinguisher as I go. I make my way up the stairs. I reach the first door.

"Austin FD. Is anyone in here?" I shout.

I hear someone coughing.

"We're in here!" a woman shouts.

"Who's we, ma'am?" I ask.

"My husband, he's hurt, and unconscious."

"Cap, the parents are in the first room." I say into my radio. "One's hurt."

"Ground floor's empty. I'm on my way up. Get them out if you can."

"Copy Cap." I say into my radio.

I try the doorknob, but it doesn't budge. It's probably melted shut.

"I'm coming in." I shout. "Move away from the door."

I wait for a few seconds and kick the door. It takes two tries before the door opens.

I run in just as Cap comes up. He goes to the next door.

"Is anyone here?" I hear him shout. A few moments later, the door bangs open.

The room I opened has small fires, but nothing too serious. I put them out with the extinguisher. There is a man and a woman, hunched in a corner. The man is burned, and unconscious.

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