One Assassin Down

Start from the beginning

It was. But another name, that had dropped into Alexandra's mind all of a sudden, as uncomfortably as a crateful of worms - was not common at all. Why, no parents would even think of naming their children "death".

'Than.' She declared, in a low voice, not looking remotely anywhere. The name, she didn't know why it was scary to take it - she wasn't anywhere afraid of (though she did NOT want anything to do with) meeting the man. Was it somewhat an evolutionary trait, or was fear contagious? Had it spread from the spies of the Idgard to her? And if yes, then perhaps, that the reason that each time she took his name, she felt a dull adrenaline rush. But if the assassination had been unsuccessful, then - where was Than? 'What of him?' She asked, and of course, a grin was not the best way to reply to everything, because Liam did not look like he knew how to grin anymore.

With ease in the power, such as Alexandra knew she had never had, Liam showed her a hand to stop. And it was quite understandable that she did, because "Than" was never a safe topic to discuss - not with anybody. Turned out, the reason for the interruption was not the topic, but the gravity of the topic. Because it had been alright before, but now, in case that had to be discussed, somebody named Rose had to leave.

'Nurse Rose, if you would be so kind as to check upon Argus Level - I'm afraid he's been torpid for too long.' He called out. The very thing sounded a like a true lie: that there could have been an Argus Level and that he could have been unconscious, but there was no chance that Liam was "afraid" for it. They heard something drop in the cabin - and heard no effort being made to pick it up. Out came a redder-than-a-rose in the face Nurse Rose, and she didn't so much as look towards them before proceeding to one of the curtained off portions down far away.

'Guilty conscience.' Liam muttered after her, and then turned back to the patient Alexandra, 'Than, yes. In custody - and out of it at one tonight.'


He exhaled, realizing he'd have to explain in detail. 'If there is one thing you should know about Than, it is that he is cunning and deadly, but he is not a prolific warrior, by any means. Their first attempt at assassination is the deadliest - and that first attempt were the poisonous and inescapable arrows. In case I was to survive that, it would have been a dirtier game. And I did survive it and it did become a dirtier game. The rest were alright - the guards got them. Only,' he stopped for a second, 'only - I had to take interest in Than.'

Alexandra realized he was too modest to say that the "interest" meant "deal with" and that whatever else had happened, at the end of the day - the assassin hadn't gotten away this once.

'So yes, in custody.' He repeated, 'And I did speak to him for two hours - two depressing hours, which is why speaking to you feels all the better now. The fact is - he is cunning, he is skilled and we cannot keep him in custody for long. He will escape - through whatever means that might be. And if he does escape, he will keep the enmity with us until the day he dies. Which is why, leaving him free - respectfully - is the best option we have.'

'Kill him!' She exclaimed, raising her head a little and slamming it back on the pillow in exaggeration. 'Just kill him! He deserves it!'

'You don't think that has crossed our minds?' Asked he, 'Alexandra, if today I were to kill you here, I would have the Espionage Council's wrath to face. You know why? Because no single man can be brought to the stake without making at least a hundred, worse enemies among his associates. And in Than's case - those enemies would be as-sas-sins! Imagine a hundred assassins bent on revenge - out in the streets of Idgard, murdering left, right and center - you think it is worth it? Kingdoms like Akwanda - with minds stuck two miles beneath the earth - are the only ones who even think of making men into murderers. Only they think that taking others' lives is a matter that can be made into a profession. But the weeds live among the plants and if weeds do sprout pests - everybody pays. We are paying - Idgard is paying - we don't want to pay more!'

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