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Wilbur grabbed my arm and pulled me off the floor, but the force of the pull made me fall into his chest, making both of us fall again.

"You dumbass, helping me get up by making both of us fall again?" I laughed

"Hey! Atleast I did try to pick you up!" Wilbur said in defense.

I got up and helped Wil up aswell.

"Now let's go finish that movie!" Wilbur said happily.

"Onward!" I said dramatically.

"You're such a weirdo." Wilbur laughed, nudging my shoulder.

"You too." I said, nudging him back.

"I know, I know." Wilbur smirked, sitting on the couch.

I sat beside him and unpaused the movie.

-time skip-

The credits started rolling on the screen, I got up and stretched. The movie was 2 hours long, it was a well needed stretch. Wilbur stood up aswell, mimicking how I stretched. I dismissed it thinking that he also needed that stretch.

I walked up to my fridge and got a soda. After I closed the fridge, Wilbur followed and grabbed the same soda I got. I raised an eyebrow at him, which made him snicker. Which he held in. I opened my soda, and so did he. I took one sip, so did he. I sighed, and so did he.

"Okay, you can stop now Wilbur." I chuckled to myself.

"OkAy, YoU cAn StOp NoW wIlBuR." He repeated in a mockingly tone.


"PfFt." He copied once again

"You're a loser." I laughed

"YoU'rE a LoSeR." He mocked once again, which made me laugh more.

"You fucker." I smiled to myself, the sun was starting to set.

"YoU fUcKeR." He mocked again.

"Okay, okay. You can stop now." I nudged him.

"Fine, fine. I will." He didn't protest, and continued to sip on the soda.

"The sunset is pretty innit?" I admired sunsets alot, me and my mother used to watch them all the time when I was a kid. I hummed to myself. My mom would've loved Wilbur..

"Hey Y/N? You good?" Wil asked.

"Yeah." I quietly responded, sipping my soda.

"Yeah, the sunset is quite nice." He replied just as quietly.

I hummed to myself, I was humming my mom's favorite song, you are my sunshine. She was my sunshine. Never failed to make me laugh. Now that I think about it, Wilbur was my sunshine, he was the sunshine of my gloomy life. That's nice. I smiled to myself.

"What's so nice? You keep smiling at nothing. Are you thinking about me?" Wilbur joked.

"In fact, I am thinking about you Mr. Wil." I smirked, making Wilbur's face heat up.

"AHAHAHA, LOOK AT YOU" I laughed at the blushing man.

"I was thinking about you too you know?" He smirked, his blush dying down.

Now it was my turn to blush.

"Who's blushing now fucker!" Wilbur evily smiled.

"Both of us actually. Makes it mutual I guess." I laughed.

Wilbur really is my sunshine. My ray of hope, and oh, how much I loved this man.

We continued to sit in silence watching the sunsets and sipping our soda.

"Your smile is nice Y/N. Did you smile this much before I appeared out of nowhere?" Wilbur said, obviously joking about the last part.

"Thanks and, no actually. There wasn't alot to smile about before you came 'out of nowhere'" I said, using air-quotes.

"Then I'm the reason of your smile, am I?"

"Yeah, I guess.. I'm grateful honestly. Who know's where I'd be without you." I laughed, half jokingly.

Wilbur's smile softened.

"That's half a nice thought. I guess. Depends on which side you think of." He muttered.

"Yeah." I mumbled back.

The rest was comforting silence..

-End Of 9-

Lol- I liked this chapter. So sweet </3 I hope you liked it too ;) dont forget to eat, drink and sleep well (even though I don't) and goodbye!


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