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Once me and Wilbur finally reached my house, I unlocked my front door and we walked in to Oreo excitedly barking.. I mean, I think it was out of excitement anyway.

"Hello Oreo! You're hungry by now aren't you?" I smiled walking over to get his dog food.

Wilbur's POV (very quick pov change)
There was just something about Y/N, a sense of excitement would shock my body everytime I hear their laugh or see their smile. I couldn't help but softly laugh when I saw how excited Y/N was to see Oreo.

Y/N's POV (see I told you, very quick)
I grab Oreo's dog food and his bowl and started pouring some in. I open his cage and placed the bowl in.

"Feast Oreo! FEAST!" I said dramatically, earning a laugh from Wilbur.

I laughed aswell before getting my phone out of my pocket to check Instagram, forgetting that it was still opened to BFF/N's conversation. Me being the complete dumbass I was, didn't expect it to be opened still, so I kind of just stood there, rereading the messages (why WHY WOULD U REREAD THE GODDAMN-) tears began to fill my eyes almost immediately. It felt like getting stabbed in the heart.. TWICE (THEN WHY TF DID U REREAD THE GODDAMN-)

I put my phone back in my pocket because for fuck's sake, I did not want to cry in front of Wilbur again. I turned around so my back was facing Wilbur when I felt a few tears fall. I wiped them quickly, not wanting Wilbur to see me.

"Uh, I'll be right back, I forgot to do something." I muttered, my back still facing Wilbur.

"Oh, okay!" He replied

I walked to my bedroom and closed the door. I took a deep breath to calm down. I really need to learn how to control my emotions (bestie ur kinda already are, you dont have to hold it in--) I only let a few tears fall before feeling slightly better. I took a few more deep breaths before wiping the tears and walking out my bedroom.

"Hey Y/N, what did you forget to do?"

"Oh I just needed to place something somewhere for storage and packaging reasons."

"Okay? I guess that slightly makes sense?" Wilbur slightly laughed

"Yeah haha.." I smiled awkwardly

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Wha? No, no. You're smile is just very pretty." I smiled *genuinely this time* desperately wanting to change the subject.

It was worth it though, seeing the red flushing his face over and over again will never get old. I smirked jokingly and nudged him.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who can make people flustered." I said jokingly, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." He said, nudging me back.

I sighed happily. The thoughts about my now, ex best friend was gone. All I was thinking about now, was him. Wilbur.

-End Of 7-

Yeah so you can definitely notice that this chapter was shorter. I mean what can you expect? 2 chapters and one of them was longer than all of the chapters, do you expect that the next one will be long aswell? I dont think so ;)) anyway- I hope you still liked the chapter AND the fact that i put Wilbur's cover of romance is boring at the top so u can listen to it while reading this short ass chapter. Anyway, eat, drink and sleep well (even though I don't) and goodbye!


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