79 3 30

Y'know, I'm actually kind of proud of myself. I would do a victory dance but that would be very embarrassing and obnoxious. I would've just stayed in my sweatpants and oversized t-shirt (ofc cuz they're so quirky/j) but I would want to make a good impression on him, because so far I'm not doing a great job at that. I mean.. maybe he won't be bothered by it. God, what am I thinking? This is Wilbur. I just skipped eating, because I couldn't be bothered at all for that, I died inside for a good 20 seconds before getting up and walking to the bathroom and take a shower. I didn't want to seem like a slob. After finishing my shower I hear another *ding* so I check my phone while drying my hair.

Wilbur: <[I forgot to ask what time-]

I check the time on my phone before thinking about it for a second and typing

You: <[LMAO- how about 4:30-ish?]

Wilbur: <[Cool, Cyu then ;)/j]

Back, also sorry for the /j's HAHSHAH*
This fucking man, I can't with him, I'll just get ready before having a laugh breakdown in my bathroom.

-timeskip uwu/j-

"I mean, this is comfortable I guess." I slightly smiled to myself. I'm not used to having guests so I kind of went all out. While fixing the snacks, I hear a knock on the door. I check the time to make sure I wasn't tripping (is y/n on drogas confirmed??!?!😱😱😳😳/j)


I took a deep breath before opening the door. And there he was. Wilbur stood by the door, he wore a beige sweater, a maroon beanie and just black pants.

"Hey Y/N!" He smiled

"Hey Wilbur..!" I smiled nervously, trying to swallow my jitters.

"I like your place." Wilbur complimented, as he peeked his head through the door.

"Thanks. Come in and make yourself at home." I softly smiled walking in with him.

He sat on the couch, looking around l, smiling. His smile was so pretty. I slowly felt my jitters melt away. I never realized how pretty HE was. I felt my face heat up.

"Uhm. I'll be right back. Help yourself to some snacks." I smiled before walking towards the my bedroom and locking the door.

"Oh my god. I literally told myself for it not to make it awkward. And here I am, making it awkward as fuck. Aw god this is embarrassing." I was busy beating myself up, and then I heard a bark. My dog's bark. (I mean who else could've barked dumbass. Wilbur?/j) I unlock the door and walk back to the living room.

"Oreo?" I called, walking into the living room.

On the floor, I see Wilbur and Oreo playing together.

"Oh hey again Y/N! You never told me you had a dog, he's so adorable."

"I guess I forgot to tell you." I shrugged, smirking.

"Well what's his name?" Wilbur asked, and I swear I saw his eyes sparkle, or maybe it was the lighting..

"Oh his name is Oreo, since he's, you know, black and white.." I told him.

"Ooh, okay!" He smiled again. And Oreo started running towards me.

"Aww, hello Oreo. Seems like you took a liking to Mr. Wil over here." I smiled whilst Oreo licked my face.

"Mr. Wil?"

"Oh, that was just a random thought. I don't know."

"Cool" He smiled, and I couldn't get tired of it. (Cheesy I know :'))

"Anyway, I stacked a whole bunch of movies..wanna watch one?"
Wilbur stared at me, so sharp it could cut glass.

"Uh, Wil?"

"Oh yeah sure" he broke the stare and nodded.

"You can pick one.." I smiled

Wilbur walked over to the stack of movies and started to look through them one by one. I sat on the couch, waiting for him to choose. While waiting, I see Oreo scratching Wilbur's leg. Wil looked down at Oreo, who cocked his head.

"Oh hello Oreo." Wilbur smiled as he picked the dog up. I smiled . Oreo never got along with anyone. So I guess there was just something about him. (Cliche as fuck-) Out of nowhere, Wilbur turned to me. My eyes widened as my face heated up. Wil put my dog back down and smiled as his head fell to the side, so did his bangs (Duh, because gravity you dumba-/j).

"You're very pretty Y/N." He muttered, eyes squinting. And I felt my heart flutter.

-End Of 3-

I didn't know hearts had wings Y/N. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I was watching Quackity's VOD  while writing this- idk why i had to mention that but yeah. I'm going to immediately start making chapter 4 after this. Anyway, eat, drink and sleep well (Even though I don't-) anyways, goodbye!


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