A gust of wind blows by...


???: "What is a Megumin? Are you pulling my leg?"

Megumin: "N-no!"

Megumin: "I am of the crimson demon clan! And I am the greatest mage in this whole town!"

Well technically she is but In the same time not really...

Megumin: "Y-yes! I knew you were one of the devil kings generals! T-Thats why I used my explosion spells to flush you out!"

She's kinda stuttering a bit...

Megumin: "And it seems my planed worked! You came alone like a fool!"

All the adventures begin to gasp and chatter...

Kazuma leans over to darkness and says:

Kazuma: "I'm not buying her strategy story..."

Darkness: "her claim of being the greatest mage here is also quite dubious."

Aqua: "Shhh! Keep your voices down. She's on a role."

Aqua: "She hasn't used her explosion spell yet, so with everyone backing her up; he'll think twice before doing anything!"

Aqua: "The best part is coming up!"

???: "Very well, I did not come here to medal with novices anyway. I will be staying at the castle, do not use your spell on it ever again understood?"

Megumin: "No! A crimson demon must use explosion once a day or it will die!"

???: "What!? I've never heard of that before!"

[Y/N]: "Megumin just let it go! This'll be our only chance to get out of this mess!"

???: "I take it you intend to keep bombarding my castle then?"

Please say no, please say no, please say no...

Megumin: "mhmm"

Megumin nods in agreement

???: "I may be evil now, but killing the weak never appealed to me, until NOW!"

Megumin: "Heh. You should've ran away when you had the chance!"

[Y/N]: "Wait what?"

Megumin: "M-lady! Your assistance please!"

Megumin points at aqua...

Aqua gasps In shock but then realizes whats happening...

Kazuma then says in a sarcastic voice:

Kazuma: "Now what?"

Aqua: "I go to work that's what!"

Kazuma: "HUH!!?"

Kazuma: "HUH!!?"

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