Kapkan x reader + note

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Hi...I'm alive, finally am I right? Sorry I've been on hiatus for- a few months? I started a new job and have been hanging out with a few co-workers from there so I kinda lost interest in Wattpad entirely hah, I only kept it to continue reading an on-going book I had read before having doubts about staying.

On the topic of am I planning on continuing to write? Probably- I really don't know hahaaa..I just have the sudden motivation to write now so mine as well, right?

Story notes:

Comfort Fluff

Reader is female and going through their monthly menstruation (gotta love it)

Maxim (Kapkan) is there for comfort!

Semi bonus: Reader repays him back for kindness as well.

Your periods had to be the worst, there was no stopping "the flow" once day one striked. It was painful, and disgusting. Thankfully and as of recently you had been gifted a helper to these situations, a willing one at that. 

"Still bad?"

You groaned in response as Maxim walked through the living room archway. Today's cycle was the worst when it came to cramps, constant kicking and pain flared your lower abdomen like a wildfire spreading through a dry forest on a hot summer day. Kapkan set a glass of water and a pain pill onto the side table before taking a seat on the sofa.

You reached for the pill, popping it into your mouth before chugging the water down with a sigh- in the most appropriate way you could in that moment at least. After setting the glass back down, you held the large, warm blanket which was stationed over your shoulders to where no cold air would seep through- like a warm cocoon.

"Oh my dear Y/N."

Maxim chuckled gently pulling you towards where he sat not too far on the couch, you were now sat in between his legs. Your back against his frontal space provided some warmth to your aching body that you hadn't known you needed desperately until now. You were even more thankful once Maxims arms gently wrapped around your frame generating even more warmth, the pill was beginning to do it's job and you found a blissful peace in this moment.

Your eyes scanned to the television screen beginning to set your awareness on the show displayed, one with Russian subtitles as this was indeed the Spetsnaz household. You found yourself leaning back more, resting your head against Maxims shoulder, thankfully he didn't mind and even raised a hand to lazily comb through your hair.

It wouldn't take long for this simple gesture to send you asleep, as you finally found peace in this painful self-war you had every month- thankful that Maxim had been there this time to provide his own type of aide without judgement to the situation.

Maxim smiled to himself seeing your lips curl into a slight smirk with the thoughts of how amazing someone like him was to have- you really did hit the jackpot when it came to the topic of men. Tachanka had walked into the room, but instead stood in the archway for a brief moment before walking back to his room- Kapkan had fallen asleep now as well and he didn't want to disturb the both of you with his loud sports games.

A week later you wanted to show your gratitude to Maxim, as he had showed you nothing but love and affection the past month you two have been together. Kapkan had come home that day to all of his comrades offering many different foods to the man who had just walked through the door, he hasn't even gotten his work coat off.

"Try this!" Alexsander held up a delicate looking dessert, Maxim couldn't refuse- taking a bite. Tachanka laughed seeing his blue eyes glimmer with approval.

"And there's plenty more where that came from."

Maxim quickly found himself in the kitchen, the island counter covered in different foods and sweets that he couldn't wait to dig into.

After the Spetsnaz guys had ate their share and cleaned their dishes, everyone had gone to their rooms- except for you and Maxim who stayed in the kitchen awhile longer.

"I have a surprise for you."

"What more could I possibly deserve?"

You smiled retrieving a cake from the fridge, the icing note on top reading: Thank you for being cool.

Maxim covered his mouth with his hand trying to suppress the hysterical laugh bubbling in his throat, the others were probably asleep by now and the kitchen had a slight echo to it. Instead, he walked to your side wearing a cheeky smile, his hand grazed your hip bringing you closer to his side for a quick kiss. 

"I love it, and I love you.


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Lion face reveal is just..MMM.

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