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"Where were you? I thought you weren't coming to school today," Sunny frowned at Iris.

"I had a doctor's appointment for my knee, I thought I told you. But yeah, my dad then took me to Chick-fil-A because he felt bad about my injury. I'm supposed to be having surgery soon," Iris informed Sunny.

Iris had missed their entire history class. Sunny made do with the boys she sat around and listened to the teacher's breathing as they laughed while doing their work, their teacher didn't teach but gave them work to do instead. It was rare days when Iris didn't appear first before waiting to enter their history class. Iris hadn't even mentioned not arriving until their third period math class.

"Can you catch me up?" Iris asked Sunny as soon as she sat with the cookie in hand.

"Yeah, go get the papers first and then I'll let you copy what we wrote. We're just working on the problems now on this sheet," Sunny replied as she lifted the paper Iris needed to get.

As Iris got up, Sunny watched her limp to the sheets. Sunny rushed to her side. She didn't know what kind of doctor's appointment that Iris attended but it might have been a physical one. Sunny hoped that Iris wouldn't have to deal with the pain later on in her life because she knew it would be bad.

It was too bad that Iris couldn't join the basketball team like she originally hoped either.

"I'll get them, just go sit back down," Sunny sighed and Iris laughed before complying. 

It seemed as if Sunny was always taking care of Iris. She was always listening to her, always giving her advice, and always grabbing two sets of whatever they needed for class for Iris. She didn't want Iris to do anything, she wanted to shower Iris in...in what?

In attention? She already had enough. In love? Sure, why not. 

But Iris didn't seem to notice the extra attention that Sunny spent on her. Or maybe she did and just used Sunny. Sunny had felt that way multiple of times. If Sunny didn't speak up, it seemed that Iris forgot about her. 

The blonde and brunette girl walked to class together as if it was a religion every day but oftentimes than not, Iris forgot to include Sunny in the conversation. They were often accompanied by Zeke and Iris and Zeke had their secret conversations.

At one point, Sunny had gotten fed up with being forgotten that she rushed to class quicker. Their teacher was most surprised as she hadn't seen the two without the other. She questioned Sunny on if Iris wasn't at school to which Sunny replied,

"No, she's here but I just walked ahead of them. They were talking about something I didn't know anything about, didn't want to third wheel."

"Oh, that's okay then."

Sunny watched as Iris and Zeke entered the room. Zeke wasn't in their math class but he had the teacher the previous year. Sunny could only glare at Zeke who was able to stay by Iris' side. Iris didn't look as if she was worried or cared that Sunny wasn't by her side either. Sunny talked to her group and tried to forget about the flower that called to her.

"Sunny, why did you walk that fast? It looked as if you were running away!" Iris joked.

"It just seemed like a serious conversation, didn't want to eavesdrop," Sunny said with a shrug of her shoulder.

What was Sunny supposed to say? The truth? That she was jealous of a boy because he was able to capture all of Iris' attention? Was that what it was? She wanted to be Iris' main friend who she could spill everything to? 

But that sounded...strange to Sunny. It wasn't as if she had feelings for Iris, she just wanted to have trust in Iris that she wouldn't be like the friends Sunny dropped late their freshmen year. If that happened, Sunny knew she'd be sad but it would be inevitable. 

Hopefully, I don't have to lose Iris, Sunny thought as they continued with class as if Sunny and Iris hadn't walked separately.

Almost as separately as their thoughts about the other.



Should Sunny have dropped/distanced herself from Iris at this point? I want to know your thoughts.

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