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Most days, Sunny had nothing to do. Her life consisted of going to middle school and then walking home the almost mile that took up twenty minutes of her life. This day was like all others.

Or so she thought.

When she went on her Instagram, there was a new update in a life. Not her life but in the life of Iris. Sunny hadn't interacted with Iris directly in either year of middle school but Sunny knew how much light Iris brought into a room. Like any flower, Iris had people flocking to her side since she had shown her face to others.

When Sunny looked at her phone, at Iris' story, she gasped as she read it.

I might be changing schools for high school, should I do it?

Sunny didn't know the girl but she didn't like knowing that others who did would lose a friend. What would happen to their friend groups?

And sure, Sunny had met the girl a few times and they had talked but they weren't close enough for Sunny to write what she did. Sunny had gone and wrote a paragraph to Iris explaining how if she left, there would be no fun. Sunny spoke of Iris as if she had known her their entire lives. She didn't but she tried to extend her feeling of discomfort of her leaving.

After Sunny had sent the message, she felt embarrassed. Why had she done that? Sunny liked to believe that she had done it because maybe others wouldn't. Because she had gone through something similar.

With her own personal issues, Sunny had almost been transferred out of her middle school to another one. Sunny didn't have a perfect life or the life she wanted but she lived a life of confusion. Most of the time, Sunny blocked out anything that didn't make sense to her and waited for the storm to finish so she could continue walking.

What Sunny didn't expect was for Iris to reply as quickly as she did. Iris had replied with

oh, you're so sweet but I don't know if I'm actually moving. But still, you made me smile, thank you.

Sunny blushed. She hadn't ever been appreciated but instead did the appreciating. She hoped that it would be enough for Iris to stay.



So, as I've said before, this is another story of mine. I realized that the more I think of Iris, the more I didn't really know other than my feelings.

I hope you enjoyed seeing Sunny again. I also hope you like this chapter! I don't know how long this one is going to be but until the next chapter!

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