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Sunny found herself waiting for Iris outside of the locker room. She knew that Iris would always come up with an excuse that she had something to do before she went to math and Sunny would let her get away with it. It wasn't as if Iris had promised to walk every day with her and sometimes, Sunny's friends would go her way. 

Sunny sometimes found herself jealous of Iris.

"You what?" 

"I'm with Jake. We've been together for a week now, it's why I couldn't walk with you," Iris smiled at Sunny.

Of course, the former girl was excited to tell the latter. Sunny had become a safe spot for Iris. Iris told her that she was easy to talk to since she didn't judge, she didn't scold her much, and she always listened. It was at this point that Sunny was happy to have Iris in her life.

She was a great friend to Sunny and she couldn't have asked more from Iris.

"Oh, I thought you were just meeting friends," Sunny admitted as she looked back at her paper.

Something about knowing that Iris had a boyfriend had her wanting one. Sunny was attracted to the thought of relationships. She was just wanting good grades and a perfect life. Her life was a lie at school, her problems were never a secret to Iris either, so she couldn't understand why she wanted a relationship.

Was it because Iris had one? Was it because everyone seemed to get into them easily? There was only one boy she was into and that was Kaiden. He was what people called a Kyle but she didn't mind it because she had been into him since the eighth grade when she saw him in her computer class. But, was it actually a crush or did she just like his face?

She hadn't talked to him much either so she couldn't tell but she labeled it a crush anyway. 

"I've never thought about a relationship. I hope your grades don't go down," Sunny told her.

As much as she was happy for Iris, she was also afraid. She knew that with relationships come hardships and sadness. She didn't want the smile of her everyday start to frown because of a boy that wouldn't mean anything in five years. 

"Don't worry, I'm already on top of everything."

Sunny hoped that it stayed that way and that Jake was nice to her. But something inside of Sunny was wishing for the opposite. She felt disgusted with herself that she wanted Jake to break up with Iris. Who was Sunny to wish those things?

She pushed the thoughts further and listened to Iris happily talk about her new boyfriend.



Yikes, Sunny. Go to therapy!

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