"You should be a designer, Meanie," I told him and he made a noise and shrugged.

"I'm fucking good, I know I am, but not .." he shrugged again.

"But not what?" I asked. "I've seen your drawings, you're fantastic."

"I like clothes, but not enough to be a designer." He gave me a cheeky smile and began to walk back the way they'd come.

Victor stepped forward and touched my shoulder.

"The others are waiting for us, c'mon," he said and I fell into step with him.

The morning passed uneventfully and I was glad for that. No more notes were passed to me, or if they were, they were intercepted before I saw them. I found myself surrounded by the boys as we went to their study hall. It was just a big classroom and was mostly full of students already. They were sitting talking and shouting at each other as we entered. North was behind me and Silas was in front. I reached forward and gripped Silas's belt loop. I figured it was ok as he was supposed to be my boyfriend here. He reached back clasped my hand and pulled me forwards.

"Hey Silas! Brought your girlfriend so she can learn how to give head better?" was shouted from across the room.

"Shut the fuck up!" North boomed. Silas just sent them the finger and plopped me into a chair towards the rear of the room. The others all gathered closer to me, dragging their tables and chairs until I was pretty much in the centre of a ring of boys.

"Of course, I could always take her for a spin and get her up to speed for you. But she might prefer me though." It was the boy who sent the note in biology.

Silas was out of his seat and across the room before I could even blink. He loomed over the boy as the door opened again.

"Right, sit down and shut up, you lot!" Dr Green shouted as he entered. He saw Silas and indicated his head for him to sit down.

I watched as Silas gave the boy a shove and then he was coming back across to sit beside me again.

"Just ignore them, Aggele mou," he murmured.

To be honest, I was pretty oblivious to what he was on about anyway, I figured it was sexual, I wasn't quite that green, but I figured it was best to ignore it.

Mr Blackbourne came in and shut the door behind him. He stayed by the door, his arms folded in front of him. He looked over at our group and I saw him communicate with them silently; his eyes slid to mine and for a fraction of a second his eyes softened. He looked away and the flinty steel was back as he looked over the class.

"You got a bodyguard today, Doc?" called a lad from the middle and the class broke into laughter.

"Nope, it's you lot that have the bodyguard," Dr Green spoke and then turned to the board and wrote one word across the surface with a piece of chalk: "Respect."

"I'm going to pretend that you lot have something between your ears today, and you lot are going to pretend that you can be respectful for once. We're going to look at STD's, STI's and safe sex. Please pay attention as it may well save your life."

"Take one of these and then pass them back." He picked up a sheaf of papers and handed them to the girl in front of him.

He stayed silent as the papers were passed around. The boys all took one and then went to pass them on without handing me one. I frowned, reached forward and took one.

North glared at me and leant forwards towards me but Kota shook his head at him and he sat back with a grunt.

I skimmed over the sheet and saw that it was mostly the same as Dr Green had given me last night, except this list wasn't nearly as exhaustive as the one I'd gone over.

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