Wins and Loses

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"..." P.O.V.

It seems I'm late. Again.


It wasn't a problem of being late anymore. It's more about the arrival and whether I can change the future events that Ms Watson foresaw. As far as I know, this wasn't supposed to be a one-man mission. It's more along the lines of, "if Ms Watson can get here on time, she can solve the issue without future problems." The frustration I have still lain with her and the behaviour of her work. A time traveller like her should have a lot of time in the universe. Anyway, these thoughts are for not. She is a professional no matter how I only see the time she's slacking off. Who knows. I'm getting from the main point. What I saw was the destruction of one of the guides for the ocean.

When I was running for a long time on the shore, a light tower for guiding ships out in the ocean came into view. Afterwards, I made a sudden stop in the sand, then covered my face from the fragments of the blast. The entirety of the light tower vanished without a trace. A blue-ish purple light shot out high in the sky, temporarily parting the clouds for a few distances. Then, after I waited for the sound of the blast to calm down, a girl from the underground of the tower came into view. From what I saw, her moments looked peculiar or flashy. She looked like she was fighting the creature that I was informed to be her mother. She flew a very far distance when tentacles followed her for some feet into the air. Furthermore, she manoeuvred left, right and in every direction possible to avoid getting grabbed on, while simultaneously attacking her mother with attack spells from her book. Her face showed no emotion for her actions. At this point, I wondered if she was under control, but that wasn't the case, thankfully, as I reached that conclusion. Her will and strong emotions were targeted at her mother.

Knowing the future happenings, and the purpose of my mission, I continued my chase towards the parent-child couple. As I got closer, the debris from the fight blocked me from getting closer to her. Ina. She was the person I needed to speak to before this whole charade was for not. As I kept on getting blocked from her, random tentacles in the area were now becoming a problem.


I cursed with air through my teeth. As such, I used my Katana to cut through the problem that was in front of me. One by one, I did so to each and every tentacle that came my way. It was a huge problem. It continued for a while.


As if my day couldn't get any worse, something from underground emerges. One limb and a time, she climbed out of the massive hole in the ground. The body of her mother was slowly coming into view as her body rose up. Her body was grotesque. With an oversized body, with features not known to the normal world, you'll have to wonder if this creature of pure fiction really lived in other worlds. Thankfully enough, she was as big as I imagined. The shark was a real existing creature, but this was not in the same realm of size, but still overall daunting to the average human. She spoke calmingly as her daughter shot her with one spell after another.

"Uhhh. It saddens me you'll treat your mother like this? Wasn't I good enough for your upcoming?"

She didn't respond but continued throwing one spell after another without any other form of response. Hearing her speaking was very loud from up close was enough to reach her daughter. She completely ignored me, while I cursed through my teeth once more on not being able to reach her.

"You're one rude child when you get in all those negative feelings of yours. I told you that you shouldn't open that book. But look at you. You went ahead and disobeyed me. A mother's words are absolute. My, my. You girl is in need of punishment. Something you can repent for the rest of your life."

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