The Dead World

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This city was dark and mysterious. Everything about it was unsettling. From buildings reaching new heights to streetlights that barely produced any light. Seeing it for the first time, it was exactly like what Ms. Watson described. Nobody should work in a place like this, nor live even. Thankfully, it was mostly desolate. This world was bad enough without its own sun. If there was a moon, we wouldn't even know if it exists. Besides that, residue from the sea scattered everywhere. If you can imagine the areas, it was there. The buildings, the stroll-able shops, the park benches, everywhere. You'll never miss it to state how prominent it was. You can't miss it. Period.

The information Ms. Watson stated that this was a parallel world that was empty except for two "knowable" creatures of devastation. One has the form of a human and the other, well, it wasn't so human. More or less, to come out with it, it was a monster. A monster that conquered this parallel world and its entirety. It was unknown if its power reached beyond the skies, but dwelling on the uncertain facts won't do me any form of good. It's body, knowable to some extent. The only thing that was concrete was the location of its inhabitants. No, it wasn't in the city.

But the sea.

The sea of the unknown. It was the place that Ms. Watson stated to me in the report. I was on a path in the city streets to that very same looming sea, surrounded in darkness the closer I got to it. Fortunately, Ms. Watson was kind enough to give me glasses I could see through the dark with. I wasn't wearing them now, just simply waiting till I arrived at the location to put them on.

I walked around the city for a while before. Furthermore, I thought of some hints about the creature during that time. It was too soon to say, but either way, I will cancel the unknowable future for it. It wasn't an all-that pleasing walk until I spotted the direction I needed to go. Looking at the horizon with my Katana on my hip, I adjusted the glasses on my face. At my destination, somebody needed to be rescued.


Gura's P.O.V.

"One more game, pleaseee."

"Wasn't the one before the last game?"

"Come on. That was a warm-up game."

"I don't know how you can have so many warm-up games before you can call it a real one."

My friend and I were playing a game of chess. The way we got to this game was the lack of activities to do in this place. We played a bunch of different games before, but this was the very last one of them. It was so dark, but I can see just fine, just like my friend of mine. The light from the city helped us to some extent, but most of the "light" was from the abilities we have in our eyes. It was my saving grace from the place I called home.

On a huge flat stone just offshore from the coast, a chessboard with pieces of the royal important-people in a limited number was among us. Meaning, It was between us. On the rock, my legs folded in between each over, sitting down, while my right hand stroked my chin as a new game of chess started. Looking over at my friend, she did the same, but a more relaxed version of my pose. It was intense, and I only moved like two pieces. Or, what I think were two pieces. Something was missing.

"I'll take this pawn."

She moved and took my pawn, but something was still missing.

"That's a nice King you got there."

I made my move, but no matter where I looked, my pieces kept on disappearing.

"No matter. I was going for the queen anyways."

My pieces kept on disappearing, thus came my dread for the eighth loss in a row.

"You're very good, my friend. Warming up games can be very refreshing. We should call it a day."

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