Errands and Messes

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A/N: My favorite chapter so far! <3 Thank you so much and please comment and vote!

~Warnings: Overstimulation, Shower Sex, Sex Toys, Truck Sex.~

"Oh Fuck you! Asshole, I won fair and square!" Over the past week, you and Flip had been sleeping together every night, following the rules accordingly, careful not to slip. Last night you, Ron, and Flip finally took to drinking together.

Ron got shitfaced, Flip got well horny, and you. You danced with Ron to the latest hits while Flip admired you both and eventually joined in on the fun.

Now in the middle of the Grocery Store, you and Flip had just got off another stakeout... Choosing to not eat pizza another night in a row before fucking he offered to grill at the cabin and you offered to make your famous sweet potatoes and rolls.

Which may or may not have been "Famous" from you asking your grandma to mail the recipe three days prior.

Walking side by side in the store, however, Flip picked out Steaks, and you both checked off the list together, "Sweetheart. Do we need to visit the Pharmacy?" He questioned his voice laced with affection.

"I will go myself tomorrow, you however Zimmerman, don't need to call me "Sweetheart" in public between the meats and school supplies" teasing him endlessly he rolled his eyes, turned on to your bossy attitude.

It was good, everything as a whole, the "Friends" part was going seamlessly. Grocery shopping, teaching Flip how to insert a tampon using a grapefruit was also fun. "Let's go, you can sit in the truck and I'll run in and get it" he offered, you couldn't deny being turned on by his caring nature, you were liking this side of him. Even if it probably was just him trying to get lucky.

"Alright! Only if you agree that if I spend the night you sleep in the living room, not me. I like your bed. It's comfy." Yawning surely you were whooped from today.

"Tired?" Making way to the front, you continued pushing the cart to self-checkout.



"You know what I want... Like I'm really, really desperate for..." you toyed, dragging out a fake seductive voice with need and want. "Hmm?" he leaned closer, catching the bait...

"Is for you to run to aisle eight and grab me some Strawberry Ice Cream and then maybe I will let you have some fun tonight? Can you do that?", you laughed.

"God, Woman... fine here since you won last night" seeing him pull from you it was hard not to kiss him but rules and boundaries were necessary. Taking the wallet you began to check out the groceries as the store was getting ready to close. It was funny watching him run though, such a large man. Who as you knew was gonna come back to find that you planned on jumping him in the truck. Feeling wet since he called you "Sweetheart".

Finally done scanning the items, Flip sped back with three giant tubs of ice cream. "I'm back, I'm back! I got three flavors, Cookie dough, Vanilla, and Strawberry. All for when you come over... Also because I like seeing you eat, did I mention you look really good in my jacket" he flirted...

"Thank you, now stop flirting. We already agreed to fuck tonight...Boundaries remember..."

"Yea, sorry here... I'll go pull the truck to the front." A noticeable change in his voice occurred as he walked out the automatic doors...

Goddammit, Flip.

Making it to the truck with a cart full, you loaded it into the back, choosing to put colds in the truck and dry goods in the bed. Finishing your task, silent treatment lingered for a few minutes as Flip drove down the vacant streets.

The Rookie (Flip Zimmerman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now