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This story goes out to all the girls

To the girls who had that friend

To the girls with blonde friends

To the girls with brunette friends

To the girls who liked their friend

But didn't tell them in fear of it ruining their relationship

To the girls who hid their feelings

Because their friend was into a boy

To the girls who realized too late that it wasn't just platonic feelings

But feelings of attraction

Of interest

Of like.

This goes out to you.



Hello there, author here! I just wanted to say, thank you for choosing this story to read. I feel as if my last short story had given me some type of closure with who I liked. He was a part of my life just as much as the girl I liked was.

Yes, if you hadn't caught onto it by now, this story is about me, a girl, liking another girl. It was my first time realizing I liked a girl and I didn't catch onto it at first. You could say that I'm slow when it comes to that. So, I thought, why not write about it?

If I could write about Christopher (his name in my story that I changed in case anyone ever found out that I wrote about him showed him my story...which most likely won't happen but still) then I could write about Iris (I changed her name too).

I hope that you enjoy this story and if you haven't, check out the first one as this is a spin-off...I think that's what someone would label it? Maybe it's a sequel, I don't really know. Anyway, if you didn't check out thee first story, go check it out, it's called "Arms Length" and then come back for this story!

See you in the next chapter.

P.S. just like that story, these aren't exactly all the way true as my memory of those times aren't that great. I wrote them as best as I could remember and added what I felt I or anyone else would have said/done. Anyway, enjoy!

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