Chapter 39: Broken Strings

Start from the beginning

I flipped out my phone and dialed a few numbers so I could text. In the list was Alex, Greta, Lily, and even Damon.

Guys, can u meet me @ my house? We can figure out what 2do l8ter but right now Im kinda outta of it so no pressure, lol. Reply back if u <3 me! Jk, jk


Lily was glaring. Greta was looking "politely" away. Alex was confused. I was fuming. Damon was the center of it all.

My genius plan to have a nice time with my friends and boyfriend was blowing up in my face. We'd just put on some crime shows; The Mentalist, Bones, Psych, all the good stuff. But everyone was too stiff, except for maybe Damon. But I was about ten seconds away from taking Lily and Greta out back and beating them.

We were watching an episode of Bones—somewhere in the first season—where they find the bone of a pirate. I didn't really care; 1) I was furious with my friends, 2) David Boreanz was totally gorgeous.

I glanced over at Greta and Lily, who were whispering to each other. I could only guess of what.

I got up and walked over, jamming my thumb behind me. "We need to talk. Now."

Lily scoffed at me, but Greta forced her to go outside. I turned to Damon and Alex with a forced smile. "We'll be right back."

I walked outside, nearly slamming the door. "What the hell is your problem?"

"We have a problem?" Greta snapped.

"You're the one who's going back to the murderous vampire, Elizabeth!" Lily shouted.

"It's none of your concern whether or not you think he's murderous!" I shot back. "Why can't you be happy for me that I've finally found a guy who doesn't want to kill me?"

"You don't know that." Greta said, fuming.

Greta didn't get mad very often, but I could see she was getting mad now. And you know what? I don't give a damn. "Oh, shut up! Just shut up! You guys can't even pretend to like the guy or even be civil!"

In a low hiss, Lily said, "He killed a girl, Elizabeth! And you still wanna be with him. Because why? 'Cause he's good lookin'? 'Cause he's good in bed?"

"Because I love him!" I said without thinking.

Greta and Lily stared at me. I finally realized what I had just said. "I mean—"

"No take backs!" Lily said with a wide grin before hugging me.

Huh? Did I miss something? I stared at Greta in confusion, who was grinning. She chuckled. "Oh, Liz, shut up! You already said it; no take backs!"

"But I—" I stopped with a gasp of surprise as Greta joined in on the hug. "What the hell, you guys?"

Lily smiled at me. "We were so sick of you not being able to admit you were in love with—"

I slapped my hand over her mouth. "Shh! Will you please shut up about it?"

"What, you're not going to tell him?" Greta asked.

I rolled my eyes, walking back inside. "We're done with this conversation."

"But, Liz—" Lily and Greta began in protest.

I ran inside and jumped on the couch next to Damon. They wouldn't dare say anything in front of him. He stared at me suspiciously and I gave him a wide grin. He rolled his eyes, turning back to whatever he and Alex were watching now. The girls had lost all rights to the TV.

"What're we watching?" I finally asked when a girl came screaming down a street, covered in blood, with a mysterious shadow chasing after her.

"Horror movie." Alex muttered, glued to the TV.

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