Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg

Start from the beginning

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We were all ready for our departure. This time, we wanted to test our new equipments so, we suggested to be on the frontline for once without any help. Call it a test run for the prototype battle gears.

I told them to kill any Zerg that gets through us. It's their turn to defend since we don't have time to waste in this place.

"Are you sure? This is your first time fighting them. There's just both of you and dozens of 'em." Raynor crossed his arms while his fingers tap on them.

"It's not good to be reckless. I don't think you can handle them. Especially those numbers." Says Tassadar.

Lupin and I look at each other in the eyes and nodded. Both of us grinned.

"I have a plan. It's been a while since we fought together, I wanted to see if our teamwork is still the same. And also, we're used to fighting a huge number of enemy if we're on the offensive." I said.

Well, the truth is...I just wanted to test our new equipment. To see how effective it will be against these enemies. I say in my mind.

Both of them still had doubts on their faces.

"This is a fool's errand Theo." Says Artanis.

"I don't want others to get caught by our opening act so, it's better this way. You'll have less casualties than before if this goes well." I explained.

"Hmm." Raynor pinched his chin.

"Well then, let's see why you're so confident in your...skills." Artanis emphasized the last word while raising his palm.

"Thank you." I said.

And then, we went on ahead. We stretched our arms and body to prepare for battle.

"Wait." Tassadar stopped us.

We turned around and met his gaze, silently waiting for him to continue.

Tassadar sighed. "Be careful."

"No worries." I said.

"We can handle it." Lupin gave a thumbs up.

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They were preparing to leave. They left a few of their forces to guard this area since it'd be a waste to just leave this base alone, undefended.

They were boarding their airships, namely carriers and battlecruiser for Raynor's forces.

We went on ahead to clear the area from the incoming Zerg. There were a lot of them this time. It seems like they don't want us to leave but, that won't stop us.

"You ready?" I asked Lupin.

"Oh yeah." Lupin replied. He activated his weapon while I stood behind him.

I told him to use his trump card as an opening attack to lessen the Zerg forces since they are attacking in huge numbers.

Lupin took a deep breath and focused. "Here goes." He charged his semblance to the max. But unlike before, his energy is much stronger now. It was more focused and powerful.

I was surprised to see this upgrade. The armors really did their job very well. This could help us in the future if we're able to use this back in Remnant when fighting against grimm. If we get to keep them of course.

"What is that?" Raynor was focused on Lupin.

"That looks like our psionic storms." Says Tassadar.

Artanis squinted his eyes while waiting for us to make our first move.

There are a huge number of Zerglings, Hydralisks and 2 Ultralisks.

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