Morning After

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"How about for the entrance exam this year?"

"Ok fine but I can't make any promises that I'll be able to stay long" Izuku said getting up to get dressed

"Same here. Zu can you hand me my shirt?" Katsuki asked as he to got up.

"Fine. On another note do you guys have any idea of what kind of havoc you guys have done"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Well for starters you both disappeared last night I started to get calls last night from Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and so on, saying each one of you is missing. Then you both don't call in saying you'll be out. Half of Japan thinks you've been kidnapped. Also how the hell did you get a key to the dorms?"

"Wait what?! What time is it?" Izuku asked fully clothed now

"It's about 9:10. Answer my damn question where did you get a key?

"Zu had it, he forgot to turn it in 10 years ago and was going to turn it in las night but uhh .. we got busy" Bakugou said firmly as you could hear Izuku trying to look for his phone.

"Tchhh Kat why'd you have to scratch so hard my back is killing me." Izuku sighed

"Well your one to talk look at me I look like some sucking toy for a baby, you left hickeys all around my neck and chest!" Katsuki responded

"LOOK! Now there are reporters outside the gate due to a post made by a certain hero made everyone knows where u were last night. So if you don't want to be outed to the entire world. We need to get you out of here before anyone sees you"

"Aww Aizawa sensei do you care that much about us?" Izuku asked charmingly

"Not as much as you think. If you get caught here you can drag UA's reputation down through the mud"

"Yeah and I'm not ready just yet to be outed. How can we leave undetected?" Katsuki questioned as he put on his shoes.

"Well the back way where all the teachers enter from not a lot of people know about it"

"Oh you mean like way behind the school it's a tunnel that's covered with bushes and trees?" Izuku stated with such calm face that when he said that Aizawa made an expression on his face wide eyed and eyebrows up

"Sensei you kinda look like that one emoji" Bakugou said laughing


"How di-. You know what I don't wanna know"

"Okay we won't tell you" Izuku smirked while looking at Katsuki

"Okay okay let's get you out of here, before you guys start again" Aizawa said turning away from the two men

"Kat Can you walk?"

"Uhhh I don't know. I can tr-iiii" Katsuki gasped in pain as he tried to walk.

Both his hips and back were aching, not to mention how sore his butt was.

"Okay maybe not ~pant~"

"Kat I'm sorry, I'll do better next time okay"

"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THERE IS A NEXT TIME I CAN BARELY STAND UP LET ALONE WALK! If we keep going I'll be paralyzed by 30!" Bakugou yelled as he grabbed ahold of Izuku to help him walk

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, if you do that I'm still going to be in pain there's no point. Hey Mr Aizawa what about our vehicles we both drove here last night?"

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