"I know it was actually not a big thing, but I also know you must be feeling nervous", she said holding my hand

"Hm little, but that's ok I'm good now.. come let's go", I said

She nodded and we both left from the place. God, I just hope I wouldn't meet him again.. I don't know if I'll be able to face him again or no.


I was just looking at her.. or may be gawing her..

I don't know when someone pushed me from behind as and I hit her soft bosoms, she startled by the sudden moment and widen her eyes nervously.

Realising our positions she quickly pushed me taking a few steps away from me, and I instantly missed her fragrance.

I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but her being close to me made me suddenly go weak on nerves.

She nervously apologized, and I was still stating at her. Aarav tapped me and coming out of my trance I apologized back.

She turned to leave.. leave? No she can't leave..

I quickly called her and asked her name.. and suddenly I noticed her face expressions changing. Did I ask something wrong?

And before I could think further, the girl next to her and probably her friend answered on behalf. And even before I could speak anything she held her friend's hand leaving the place.

And even after she left, I stood in the position looking through her direction.

"It's been eternity she left buddy, can we also leave?", Aarav asked

"She's beautiful", escaped my mouth

"You seem whipped", he laughed

"Shutup, I don't know what I'm feeling right now.. something which I never experienced", I confessed

"It's not even some ten minutes she was infront of you, and you already started feeling something something is it?", He smirked

"I don't know Aarav, but I wanna know her more.. by the way which department building are we in?", I asked

"Who knows", he shurgged

I glared at him and he giving me some weird expression went aside to enquire about the department.

"They say it's interior designing department", he informed

"Ohh so my Princess is a future interior designer", I smiled

"Princesses?", He asked shocked

"Did I actually said that?", I asked confused

"You did.. bro are you actually serious for her?", He asked moving ahead

"May be I'm.. but I don't wanna fall into conclusions, this is the first time I met her and that too for merely ten minutes.. so I don't wanna do anything without being sure", I clarified

"Hm that's true.. anyhow we'll look into it later, now come let's go to class", he said

I nodded and retired to our classes and as thought it was a complete boring day expect for meeting her..

I don't even know her name.. how should I approach her? Will she even be friends with me?

Ok why will anyone reject my friendship? Anyways, I'm not self obsessed either.

"Back to earth Mr. Prince", Aarav tapped my shoulder

"Prince?", I asked raising my eyebrow

"If she's your Princesses, wouldn't you be a prince?", He smirked

Till Death Do Us Apart ✔️Where stories live. Discover now